Top 10 Points from Harvard Law Review Note Debunking Anti-BDS Claims

Top 10 Points from Harvard Law Review Note Debunking Anti-BDS Claims

In February the Harvard Law Review published a compelling note refuting legal claims that boycotts for Palestinian rights are discriminatory. In case you missed it, here are 10 key points from that note.

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Tufts Students for Justice in Palestine Attacked by University President During COVID-19 Crisis

Tufts Students for Justice in Palestine Attacked by University President During COVID-19 Crisis

Palestine Legal calls on Tufts University President Anthony Monaco to revoke his April 24 statement “disapproving” of a recent award given to Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and falsely accusing the group of antisemitism over its support for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS).

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Intercept Exposé Reveals 2004 FBI Investigations into ISM Volunteers

Intercept Exposé Reveals 2004 FBI Investigations into ISM Volunteers

“It's a travesty that the FBI continues to spy on social justice and human rights activists, continuing its long history of government attempts to sabotage social justice movements," said Palestine Legal director Dima Khalidi. “It’s even more disturbing that it did so based on false allegations by staunch anti-Palestinian groups."

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After Death Threat, Berkeley Students Demand Institutional Support

After Death Threat, Berkeley Students Demand Institutional Support

Earlier this week, Palestine Legal, the Council on American-Islamic Relations-San Francisco Bay Area chapter, Jewish Voice for Peace, and the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights wrote to UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ urging the university to address the systemic harassment Palestinian students and their allies have faced over the past several months.

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Civil Rights Groups: UCLA Must Defend Students and Faculty Against Baseless Claims

Civil Rights Groups: UCLA Must Defend Students and Faculty Against Baseless Claims

Palestine Legal has joined a coalition of interfaith and civil rights groups calling on UCLA to defend the rights of faculty and students in the face of two federal investigations into the university’s response to Palestine advocacy and scholarship.

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Solidarity When We Need It Most

Solidarity When We Need It Most

It’s clear that this moment requires more social and political solidarity, even as we experience physical distance, and a collective commitment to protecting and strengthening the most vulnerable among us – in the short and long term. We stand with and support all those organizing for a transformation of our systems towards freedom and justice for all.

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Success! Bard College Clears Students Investigated for Protesting Anti-Palestinian Racism

Success! Bard College Clears Students Investigated for Protesting Anti-Palestinian Racism

Last week, Bard College President Leon Botstein ruled that two students charged following an October 10, 2019 protest of an anti-Palestinian speaker were fully in compliance with Bard’s policies and had done nothing wrong. The decision clears the students, after a prolonged investigation, of false charges of antisemitism.

Palestine Legal represented Ben and Akiva, who, together with over a dozen other Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) members, protested a panel featuring retired Harvard professor Ruth Wisse for her history of making bigoted remarks.

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