Our Mission

Our mission is to bolster the Palestine solidarity movement by challenging efforts to threaten, harass and legally bully activists into silence and inaction.

What We Do

We provide legal advice, Know Your Rights trainings, advocacy and litigation support to college students, grassroots activists and affected communities who stand for justice in Palestine. Palestine Legal also monitors incidents of suppression to expose trends in tactics to silence Palestine activism.

Founded in 2012, Palestine Legal is an independent organization dedicated to protecting the civil and constitutional rights of people in the US who speak out for Palestinian freedom. Palestine Legal is the only legal organization in the United States exclusively dedicated to supporting the movement for Palestinian rights. Our attorneys are based in Chicago, New York City and the Bay Area, and our work spans all 50 states and Washington D.C. We work closely with several organizations, including the Center for Constitutional Rights, the National Lawyers Guild and others, to provide legal support to activists around the country.

Palestine Legal is a fiscally sponsored project of the Tides Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 

The Issue

The movement for Palestinian rights is growing steadily in the United States – from the mushrooming of campus groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, to the rise in boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns, to everyday people moved to change the status quo in the region. 

As support for Palestinian rights has grown, so too have attempts by groups that uncritically support Israeli state policies to silence advocates for change. Through a variety of tactics, these groups pressure government actors, universities and other private institutions to investigate, censor and punish individuals and groups who criticize Israel or support Palestinian rights.  


Our Work


Provide legal advice, representation or referrals to individuals and groups.

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Engage in legal and policy advocacy to protect the movement for Palestinian rights.

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Track incidents of suppression experienced by advocates for Palestinian rights.

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Train activists on their rights through workshops and resource materials.

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Our Team

Dima Khalidi

Sabiya Ahamed
Staff Attorney

Lina Assi
Advocacy Manager

Angela Rashid-Campion
Senior Manager, Special Projects

Leila Elaqad
Development & Administrative Associate

Rifqa Falaneh
Michael Ratner Justice Fellow

Lina Habib
Development Associate

Zoha Khalili
Senior Staff Attorney

Stacey Krueger
Senior Manager, Development

Yara Nagi
Senior Manager, Operations

Ray Packer
Communications Specialist

Tori Porell
Staff Attorney

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Dylan Saba
Staff Attorney


Senior Staff Attorney

Meera Shah
Senior Staff Attorney

Danya Zituni
Communications Manager

Gloria Imseih Petrelli
Social Media Coordinator

Tara Nair
Legal Intern


Our Values

Our staff, clients, and the movements we serve all seek freedom from oppression and the freedom to live and thrive, from the U.S. to Palestine and beyond. We recognize that challenging and dismantling systems of oppression requires centering those most impacted, grassroots organizing, and collective struggle. As an organization committed to a movement lawyering approach, we strive to put our values into practice.


Our Partners

Palestine Legal works closely with a number of organizations and individuals to provide legal support to Palestine activists around the country.  Our partners include: 

The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) is Palestine Legal’s founding partner.  While Palestine Legal is an independent organization, we collaborate closely with CCR, and our attorneys are CCR Cooperating Counsel. 

The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) partners closely with Palestine Legal.  We work with NLG attorneys around the country, with the NLG’s Palestine Subcommittee and the National Executive Committee to provide advocacy support for the Palestine solidarity movement. 

Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus (ALC) partners with Palestine Legal in an effort to guarantee that Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian students' civic engagement on campus is not undermined in the post-9/11 environment. 


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