Frivolous Suit Will Not Deter US Campaign for Palestinian Rights

Frivolous Suit Will Not Deter US Campaign for Palestinian Rights

A Palestinian rights organization has moved to dismiss a bullying lawsuit filed in November 2019 by an Israeli organization aiming to stop the movement for Palestinian justice. The lawsuit was filed by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) —a group that has played a central role in the colonization of Palestinian land— against the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights.

Palestine Legal unequivocally stands with the US Campaign and others courageously exercising their First Amendment rights to organize for Palestinian freedom.

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Civil Rights Groups to Arizona: Supporting Palestinian Freedom Is Not a Hate Crime

Civil Rights Groups to Arizona: Supporting Palestinian Freedom Is Not a Hate Crime

Palestine Legal joined a wide coalition of activists, community and human rights groups, and prominent individuals in opposing a new attempt to stifle and criminalize Palestine advocacy in Arizona. Arizona lawmakers introduced mirror bills in January that would require the use of the distorted IHRA definition of antisemitism in hate crimes reporting and sentencing. The legislation could also require courts to consider criticism of Israel as an aggravating factor in sentencing. In a criminal trial, advocates for Palestinian rights could face more severe sentences because of their political speech.

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Spring Events with Palestine Legal

Spring Events with Palestine Legal

We have a very busy schedule this spring of public education events and conference panels. Hear from us at the following events in March, April and May.

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2019 in Review: Intensifying Censorship Efforts Fail to Thwart Thriving Movement

2019 in Review: Intensifying Censorship Efforts Fail to Thwart Thriving Movement

Palestine Legal just released a new report analyzing attempts to censor the U.S. movement for Palestinian rights in 2019. While efforts to silence the movement intensified from public officials and institutions, activists pushed back, winning key victories on campus and in court. Palestine Legal responded to 247 incidents of suppression of U.S.-based Palestine advocacy over the course of 2019, totaling 1,494 suppression incidents between 2014 and 2019.

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Meera Shah in the Chronicle of Higher Education on Kenneth Marcus

Meera Shah in the Chronicle of Higher Education on Kenneth Marcus

Senior staff attorney Meera Shah was quoted in the Chronicle of Higher Education on the impacts of Trump’s antisemitism executive order.

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Liz Jackson's Op-Ed in the Brown Daily Herald on Brown Divestment

Liz Jackson's Op-Ed in the Brown Daily Herald on Brown Divestment

Last December, the Advisory Committee on Corporate Responsibility at Brown voted to divest from companies complicit in violations of Palestinian human rights. This followed a student referendum that from Brown University Divest passed by an overwhelming margin in March. The university's president refuses to honor these calls. Senior staff attorney Liz Jackson published an op-ed in the Brown Daily Herald telling her alma mater that it must divest from Israel's abuse of Palestinian human rights:

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Bard College Retaliates Against Students for Protesting a Racist Speaker

Bard College Retaliates Against Students for Protesting a Racist Speaker

Bard College is investigating two members of Bard Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) for protesting a panel featuring Ruth Wisse, a retired Harvard professor with a history of bigoted anti-Palestinian remarks. The investigation began after one of Wisse’s co-panelists, an editor at The Forward, published an article in her own publication falsely claiming that she and the panelists were targeted for being Jewish.

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