2020 Israel Anti-Boycott Act Attacks #RightToBoycott—Again

2020 Israel Anti-Boycott Act Attacks #RightToBoycott—Again

Last week, House Republican lawmakers introduced a new version of the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (IABA).  Like previous versions, the 2020 IABA would criminalize participation in boycotts of Israel, singling out boycotts of illegal Israeli settlements. While this year’s bill differs slightly from previous versions, it fundamentally remains the same: amending U.S. export law to fine and punish entities that participate in boycotts of Israel. 

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Fired History Teacher's Letter in The New York Times

Fired History Teacher's Letter in The New York Times

Jewish high school history teacher JB Brager was fired this month from the Fieldston School in the Bronx after they made statements critical of Israel and Zionism. On January 21, Brager published a letter to the editor in The New York Times regarding their firing.

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Firing Bronx History Teacher Over Israel Criticism Chills Free Speech & Human Rights Advocacy

Firing Bronx History Teacher Over Israel Criticism Chills Free Speech & Human Rights Advocacy

The Ethical Culture Fieldston School’s decision to fire Jewish high school history teacher JB Brager is the latest in a well-documented, nationwide campaign to censor and punish critics of Israel. Brager was fired last week after they made statements critical of Israel and Zionism.

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Trump’s Education Department Targets UCLA with Investigation into Palestine Advocacy

Trump’s Education Department Targets UCLA with Investigation into Palestine Advocacy

The Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights has reportedly opened two investigations into UCLA’s response to Palestine advocacy including a student conference in November 2018 and a guest lecture by Professor Rabab Abdulhadi last May. The investigations into UCLA come just weeks after Trump signed an executive order adopting a distorted redefinition of antisemitism that targets advocacy for Palestinian rights.

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Lawsuit: Quora Discriminates Against Palestinian Professor

Lawsuit: Quora Discriminates Against Palestinian Professor

The popular question-and-answer site Quora is facing a lawsuit over its censorship of retired Palestinian-American professor Rima Najjar. Quora permanently banned Dr. Najjar in May 2019 after website administrators claimed using the term ‘Zionist’ in a negative way was “hate speech.” Dr. Najjar attempted unsuccessfully to resolve the matter directly with Quora, and filed a lawsuit against Quora on December 31 for discriminating against her on the basis of national origin. 

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Facebook Error Blocks Sharing of JVP-NYC Event

Facebook Error Blocks Sharing of JVP-NYC Event

Echoing trends of censorship by Facebook and other online platforms, organizers of a theater and poetry event featuring personal stories from Palestinians and Jews were unable to share or post about the event on Facebook for almost three weeks, receiving a notification that the content violated Facebook’s standards.

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Palestine Legal's Top 12 Blogs of 2019

Palestine Legal's Top 12 Blogs of 2019

2019 was a big year for activists supporting Palestinian freedom. This growing movement has shifted the national conversation—creating space for members of Congress to openly support BDS for the first time. As we enter 2020, we’re taking a look at our most-read blog posts from 2019.

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