Federal Complaint Filed Against Columbia, After Trump Gives Nod to Target Political Speech on Palestine (Updated)

Federal Complaint Filed Against Columbia, After Trump Gives Nod to Target Political Speech on Palestine (Updated)

The complaint, which invokes Donald Trump’s new executive order, argues that allowing SJP to hold events, art installations and other speech activity advocating for Palestinian freedom violates the Civil Rights Act.

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Media Roundup: Trump's Executive Order

Media Roundup: Trump's Executive Order

In the aftermath of the order, Palestine Legal’s voice and expertise were lifted up throughout the media, including in The Guardian, Haaretz, Newsweek, and Politico. Here’s a roundup of news pieces featuring Palestine Legal.

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Dima Khalidi's Letter in the LA Times on Trump's Executive Order

Dima Khalidi's Letter in the LA Times on Trump's Executive Order

Director Dima Khalidi published a letter to the editor in Sunday’s Los Angeles Times on Trump’s executive order redefining antisemitism to attack criticism of Israel.

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Pro-Israel Students Drop Case Against UMass Amherst Over Palestine Event

Pro-Israel Students Drop Case Against UMass Amherst Over Palestine Event

Nearly eight months after filing a lawsuit against the University of Massachusetts Amherst, pro-Israel Jewish students dropped claims against the university for hosting an event on Palestine and free speech in May. The lawsuit relied on the same distorted definition of antisemitism included in President Trump’s new anti-Palestinian executive order – one designed to shield Israel from criticism – in attempt to censor the talk.

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Trump's Anti-Palestinian Agenda Comes Home

Trump's Anti-Palestinian Agenda Comes Home

Today Donald Trump will sign an executive order that directs government agencies, including the Department of Education, to consider a distorted definition of antisemitism designed to censor human rights activists, after failed attempts to pass similar legislation in Congress. 

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Statement on Trump’s Silencing of Palestine Advocacy

Statement on Trump’s Silencing of Palestine Advocacy

This is a baldfaced attempt to silence the movement for Palestinian rights on college campuses - something that has been at the top of the Trump administration’s agenda. Rather than providing any new protections to Jewish students against the rampant and deadly antisemitism of a resurgent white nationalism, the order described in news reports aims to define the contours of what we can say about Palestine and Israel.

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Rights Groups Urge Court to Uphold Decision Against Texas Anti-Boycott Law

Rights Groups Urge Court to Uphold Decision Against Texas Anti-Boycott Law

This week, the Center for Constitutional Rights and Palestine Legal filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in support of a lawsuit seeking to strike down a Texas law that requires government contractors to pledge not to boycott Israel.

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