Palestine Legal urges UC Regents to protect free speech

Palestine Legal urges UC Regents to protect free speech

Today, amid calls for the University of California to adopt a troubling re-definition of anti-Semitism that would infringe upon constitutionally-protected speech, Palestine Legal, the Center for Constitutional Rights, Jewish Voices for Peace, and the National Lawyers Guild sent a letter to the University of California President Janet Napolitano and the Board of Regents urging them to protect student's First Amendment rights to criticize Israel and to safeguard their commitment to academic freedom.

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Letter to PA Lawmakers regarding Anti-BDS Bill

Letter to PA Lawmakers regarding Anti-BDS Bill

Today, Palestine Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, and the Center for Constitutional Rights sent a letter to Pennsylvania state legislators urging them to oppose a bill that would cut off state funding to colleges and universities that boycott or divest from Israel.

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Palestine Legal FAQ on Anti-BDS Legislation

Palestine Legal FAQ on Anti-BDS Legislation

It's important to be aware of the anti-BDS provisions that have been attached to the international trade bills currently making their way through Congress. Palestine Legal has drafted this FAQ on what the anti-BDS provisions do. 

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Radhika Sainath on MSNBC

Radhika Sainath on MSNBC

Watch Palestine Legal Staff Attorney Radhika Sainath debate Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) on MSNBC's Roadmap here.

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Palestine Legal’s Statement on Website Blacklisting Palestine Rights Activists

Palestine Legal’s Statement on Website Blacklisting Palestine Rights Activists

May 29, 2015, Chicago– The following statement was issued today by attorneys at Palestine Legal: 

“Canary Mission’s attempt to stifle criticism of Israeli policies by profiling individuals and threatening to ruin careers is a tactic reminiscent of the McCarthy era. 
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New Name, New Look, New Staff!

New Name, New Look, New Staff!

Dear Friends,

We are thrilled to announce three big developments!

1.  We have officially changed our name to Palestine Legal!  Were you having trouble remembering our old name and acronym -- Palestine Solidarity Legal Support (PSLS)? 

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Palestine Legal All Over the News!

Palestine Legal All Over the News!

On Monday, May 18, Palestine Solidarity Legal Support (Palestine Legal), in conjunction with the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) released findings on the trend across U.S. college campuses of false accusations of anti-Semitism intended to silence advocacy for Palestinian rights.

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