Palestine Legal FAQ on Anti-BDS Legislation
/Credit: Palestine Wall
What is the Effect of the Congressional Anti-BDS Legislation?
It's important to be aware of the anti-BDS provisions that have been attached to the international trade bills currently making their way through Congress. Palestine Legal has drafted this FAQ on what the anti-BDS provisions do. While these provisions contain troubling anti-BDS language, they should not affect BDS organizing in the United States. Your right to engage in political boycotts of Israel for human rights purposes is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Check out the FAQ for more information on the legal and practical effects of the legislation, and, as always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. To express your opposition to the legislation with your representatives, see US Campaign's action alert here. The trade bills are also an opportunity for Palestine activists to build solidarity with labor, environmental, immigrant rights, and open government activists who oppose the legislation for diverse reasons.
To read the FAQ, click here.