False Accusations of Anti-Semitism used to Silence Palestine Advocacy

False Accusations of Anti-Semitism used to Silence Palestine Advocacy

Palestine Solidarity Legal Support Documented Over 60 Accusations of Anti-Semitism Based Solely on Speech Critical of Israeli Policy Since January


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Palestine Legal at the Left Forum

Palestine Legal at the Left Forum

Radhika Sainath will be speaking at John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York on Saturday, May 30 2015 at 5:10 pm to discuss “The Business of Backlash: The Attack on the Palestinian Movement and Other Movements for Social Justice.”

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ACTION ALERT: Stop Anti-Boycott Bills in Illinois & in US Senate!

ACTION ALERT: Stop Anti-Boycott Bills in Illinois & in US Senate!

Two Anti-BDS Legislative Initiatives are up for a Vote This Week!

Take action now to protect the right to boycott Israel for its human rights violations of Palestinians!

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Pro-Divestment Speech Suppressed at SDSU

Pro-Divestment Speech Suppressed at SDSU

In a campus-wide ballot referendum, students at San Diego State University (SDSU) voted in April 2015 on a referendum proposal that asked whether or not they support divestment of university funds from companies complicit in the human rights abuses of Palestinians. 

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ILLINOIS: Take Action to Stop Anti-BDS Bill!

ILLINOIS: Take Action to Stop Anti-BDS Bill!

Last Wednesday, our Senators voted  overwhelmingly  to pass SB 1761, a bill that would punish companies that protest Israel’s human rights and international law violations by choosing not to do business with Israeli companies - including those based in settlements within the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

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Act Now: Update on Illinois Legislation and Call to Action!

 Act Now: Update on Illinois Legislation and Call to Action!

Dear friends,

On Wednesday, the Illinois Senate voted to punish companies that boycott Israel’s human rights abuses by requiring Illinois retirement funds to expend resources blacklisting, monitoring and withdrawing funds from such companies. 

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CA Senate Cautioned Not to Stifle Campus Speech

CA Senate Cautioned Not to Stifle Campus Speech

On Thursday, PSLS, along with the Center for Constitutional Rights, Jewish Voice for Peace, and the National Lawyers Guild-Los-Angeles, sent a letter to the California Senate Education Committee urging them to amend a proposed resolution that perpetuates the conflation of criticism of Israeli policies with acts of anti-Semitism.

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