Zoha Khalili in the New York Times

Zoha Khalili in the New York Times

Staff attorney Zoha Khalili spoke to the New York Times about the government's effort to dictate what university students learn about Palestine and the rest of the Middle East.

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Why We Boycott

Why We Boycott

A broad coalition of advocacy groups working across social justice movements issued a letter today calling on members of the U.S. House of Representatives to support a resolution upholding the right to boycott for justice.

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Legislation: What We’re Watching This Fall

Legislation: What We’re Watching This Fall

As Congress and state legislatures return from summer recess, we expect to see action on a number of measures that could have a major impact on advocacy for Palestinian rights.

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Media Roundup: Students Win Legal Battle Against Censorship at Fordham

Media Roundup: Students Win Legal Battle Against Censorship at Fordham

Here is a roundup of media featuring Fordham SJP, Palestine Legal, and the Center for Constitutional Rights.

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Radhika Sainath on Fordham Victory in +972 Magazine

Radhika Sainath on Fordham Victory in +972 Magazine

Senior staff attorney Radhika Sainath reflects on the legal case against Fordham University’s ban on Students for Justice in Palestine for +972 Magazine.

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Palestine Legal Comments on California’s Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum

Palestine Legal Comments on California’s Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum

We wrote in response to an organized campaign against the curriculum because of its inclusion of the movement for Palestinian freedom alongside other contemporary struggles for civil rights and equality. 

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Israel's ban on Tlaib and Omar exposes larger attacks on advocates for Palestinian rights

Israel's ban on Tlaib and Omar exposes larger attacks on advocates for Palestinian rights

The attack on Omar and Tlaib puts a spotlight on efforts to suppress advocacy for Palestinian rights, which have impacted thousands of activists around the country. While this story holds our national attention, we must continue to fight to ensure that human rights defenders can raise their voices for marginalized people in Palestine and around the world.

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