Success: UIC Reverses Ban on Palestine Event

Success: UIC Reverses Ban on Palestine Event

A community group in Rockford, Ill., that had been blocked from renting space for an event featuring Israeli-American activist and author Miko Peled successfully held their event on Saturday after Palestine Legal intervened.

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Fordham University Students Win Landmark Fight to Establish Palestine Club

Fordham University Students Win Landmark Fight to Establish Palestine Club

Five Fordham University students have won a landmark legal victory against Fordham University, which sought to prohibit them from forming a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) club at their university. The students, represented by the Center for Constitutional Rights, Palestine Legal, and cooperating counsel Alan Levine, argued that Fordham University violated its own rules when, in 2016, it vetoed the United Student Government’s approval of SJP, preventing the students from forming the SJP club.

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Radhika Sainath's NYT Letter to the Editor on BDS article

Radhika Sainath's NYT Letter to the Editor on BDS article

Senior staff attorney Radhika Sainath appeared in Saturday’s New York Times with a letter to the editor responding to July 28 reporting on the BDS movement.

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Kristian Davis Bailey in Colorlines

Kristian Davis Bailey in Colorlines

Communications manager Kristian Davis Bailey published an op-ed in Colorlines - on the anti-boycott resolution and state of boycott challenges more broadly.

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Media Roundup: NJ Faces Backlash Over Antisemitism Redefinition Bill

Media Roundup: NJ Faces Backlash Over Antisemitism Redefinition Bill

On June 24 legislators in New Jersey introduced a bill that would direct public schools and universities to use a widely contested redefinition of antisemitism in assessing alleged violations of the state’s anti-discrimination law. In the past couple of weeks, Palestine Legal has been quoted in a number of recent articles about the New Jersey bill.

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Success: Judge Allows Lawsuit Against Texas Anti-BDS Law To Proceed

Success: Judge Allows Lawsuit Against Texas Anti-BDS Law To Proceed

On the same day that the House passed a resolution condemning the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign for Palestinian rights, a federal district court threw a wrench in efforts by the state of Texas to evade judicial review of a law that punishes boycott advocates. Judge Robert Pitman, who blocked enforcement of the law, H.B. 89 in a stunning decision last April, has now ruled that Texas can’t thwart a First Amendment challenge to the law by simply amending it.

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Palestine Legal Statement on House Anti-Boycott Resolution

Palestine Legal Statement on House Anti-Boycott Resolution

In a period when Israel continues to show disregard for Palestinian human rights by demolishing homes in Jerusalem and the Trump administration stokes hatred against immigrants, progressives, and congressional advocates for Palestine, it is troubling that the Democrat-led House would align itself with a rightwing condemnation of a grassroots human rights movement. Fortunately, this is a nonbinding resolution that has no legal impact on our right to boycott for justice.

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