Victory! Lawsuit Against SFSU and Abdulhadi Dismissed

Victory! Lawsuit Against SFSU and Abdulhadi Dismissed

A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit that tried to restrict speech supporting Palestinian freedom.

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The Tree of Life and the Struggle Against White Supremacy

The Tree of Life and the Struggle Against White Supremacy

We are heartbroken at the horrific display of antisemitic violence in Pittsburgh.

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Palestine Legal Media: Censorship at the University of Michigan

Palestine Legal Media: Censorship at the University of Michigan

Palestine Legal senior staff attorney Radhika Sainath was quoted in several articles about  the right to boycott at the University of Michigan, where a tenured professor has been sanctioned for declining to write a letter of recommendation for a study abroad program in Israel.

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Faculty Advisory: Letters of Recommendation for Israeli Universities

Faculty Advisory: Letters of Recommendation for Israeli Universities

The attack on academics who boycott Israel is the latest example of the Palestine exception to free speech.

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Unconstitutional: South Carolina Representative Blocks Palestinian-American on Twitter

Unconstitutional: South Carolina Representative Blocks Palestinian-American on Twitter

South Carolina State Representative Alan Clemmons blocked a Palestinian-American graduate student on Twitter. It’s unconstitutional.

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University of Michigan Unconstitutionally Punishes Professor Over Boycott

University of Michigan Unconstitutionally Punishes Professor Over Boycott

Two instructors at the University of Michigan have declined to write recommendations for students to study abroad at Israeli academic institutions that discriminate against Palestinian students.

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Listen: Interviews on Free Speech, Palestine and Kenneth Marcus

Listen: Interviews on Free Speech, Palestine and Kenneth Marcus

The Palestine Legal team gave a few interviews recently on national issues like free speech, Palestine and Kenneth Marcus.

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