Victory: Arizona Federal Court Blocks Anti-Boycott Law

Victory: Arizona Federal Court Blocks Anti-Boycott Law

A federal court has blocked enforcement of an Arizona anti-boycott law.

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Univ. of Michigan Professor Cheney-Lippold Receives Death Threats Over Boycott

Univ. of Michigan Professor Cheney-Lippold Receives Death Threats Over Boycott

University of Michigan professor John Cheney-Lippold received death threats after he told a student he would be unable to write her a recommendation letter for a study abroad program in Israel because he supports the academic boycott for Palestinian rights.

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Censorship, Free Speech and Palestine: Events with Palestine Legal

Censorship, Free Speech and Palestine: Events with Palestine Legal

Our fall lineup of events.

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Dima Khalidi in the Washington Post, Politico and Inside Higher Ed

Dima Khalidi in the Washington Post, Politico and Inside Higher Ed

“Marcus is sending a clear signal that attacking free speech for Palestinian rights is at the top of his agenda.”

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Rahul Saksena in the New York Times

Rahul Saksena in the New York Times

“This is exactly what we feared would happen.”

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Department of Education Redefines Antisemitism With No Public Notice

Department of Education Redefines Antisemitism With No Public Notice

Without public notice, Trump’s Department of Education adopts controversial redefinition of antisemitism, a major policy decision with corrosive effects on campus free speech.

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Radhika Sainath in New York Magazine

Radhika Sainath in New York Magazine

A CUNY student was investigated for criticizing Israel.

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