Northeastern students blocked from voting on BDS

Northeastern students blocked from voting on BDS

On February 26, Northeastern University’s Student Government Association (SGA) again blocked Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) from placing a referendum on the election ballot asking university trustees to divest from companies profiting from violations of Palestinian rights.

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Marquette University Censors SJP Mock Apartheid Wall

Marquette University Censors SJP Mock Apartheid Wall

On Sunday evening, February 21, members of Marquette University’s Students for Justice in Palestine erected a mock Israeli separation wall on campus to kick off Israeli Apartheid Week. The wall featured slogans and pictures that appear on the actual separation wall in Palestine. They had reserved the space and received approval from the University administration for their fliers and publicity. But the next morning, the wall was gone; the University administration had confiscated it.

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#UMNDivest resolution countered with proposal to restrict student speech

#UMNDivest resolution countered with proposal to restrict student speech

Yesterday, University of Minnesota student organizers introduced a resolution in the Minnesota Student Association (MSA) calling on the University to divest from four companies that profit from human rights abuses of Palestinians. If successful, the #UMNDivest campaign, spearheaded by Students for Justice in Palestine, would add University of Minnesota to the growing list of university student bodies that have passed divestment resolutions to support Palestinian freedom and human rights.

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Palestine Legal calls on Florida Governor Scott to veto anti-BDS bill

Palestine Legal calls on Florida Governor Scott to veto anti-BDS bill

Today, Palestine Legal, Center for Constitutional Rights, CAIR-Florida, and the National Lawyers Guild of South Florida sent a letter to Florida Governor Rick Scott urging him to veto a troubling bill aimed at punishing and suppressing First Amendment-protected boycotts for Palestinian freedom.

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ZOA Calls for SJP ban at 23 Schools

ZOA Calls for SJP ban at 23 Schools

Palestine Legal is deeply concerned by recent calls from the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) to investigate and ban Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) from 23 City University of New York (CUNY) campuses.

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Lawmakers take aim at your #Right2Boycott

Lawmakers take aim at your #Right2Boycott

A wave of anti-BDS legislation is sweeping the country. Dozens of bills aimed at suppressing or punishing BDS activism have been introduced in the U.S. Congress and state legislatures – from Arizona to Massachusetts – in the past year. (See here for information on previous anti-BDS legislative initiatives.)

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Harvard Law loses $250K after ‘Palestine Exception’ event

Harvard Law loses $250K after ‘Palestine Exception’ event

The law firm of Milbank, Tweed, Hadely & McCloy reportedly pulled $250,000 from Harvard Law after a panel discussion called "The Palestine Exception to Free Speech: A Movement Under Attack.” The October 20 lunchtime lecture featured Palestine Legal staff attorney Radhika Sainath, Omar Shakir, a Bertha Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), and Northeastern undergraduate Kendall Bousquet and was sponsored by the law school’s Justice for Palestine student group.

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