Lawmakers take aim at your #Right2Boycott

A wave of anti-BDS legislation is sweeping the country. Dozens of bills aimed at suppressing or punishing BDS activism have been introduced in the U.S. Congress and state legislatures – from Arizona to Massachusetts – in the past year. (See here for information on previous anti-BDS legislative initiatives.) 

Below is a list of bills that we know are currently pending and action steps you can take to help defeat them.  In addition to these bills, there are numerous other non-binding resolutions condemning BDS that have passed or are pending in state legislatures.

These bills are part of a well-funded and coordinated campaign to suppress Palestine solidarity activism in the U.S., which is leading to what what we call the Palestine Exception to Free Speech. The good news is that your right to engage in boycotts for Palestinian freedom and human rights and to advocate for BDS is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

None of the bills listed below can or will take away your constitutionally-protected rights. The best way to fight these bills is to use them as an opportunity to raise public awareness about the struggle for Palestinian freedom.


  • Read the bills: AB 1551 and AB 1552   
  • What they do:  AB 1551 prohibits the state from investing in companies that boycott Israel and "territories controlled by Israel"; AB 1552 prohibits the state from contracting with companies that engage in discriminatory boycotts
  • Status: Pending
  • Read: Palestine Legal, Center for Constitutional Rights, and National Lawyers Guild urge California Legislators to Oppose AB 1551 and AB 1552: Letter & One-Pager
  • Take Action via Jewish Voice for Peace

New York


  • Read the bill: HB 2617    
  • What it does: Prohibits the state from investing in and contracting with companies that boycott Israel and "territories controlled by Israel"
  • Status: Passed Arizona House
  • Read: Tuscon Stop G4S coalition letter against HB2617


  • Read the bill: HB 1378  
  • What it does: Creates a blacklist of organizations and entities that boycott Israel and "territories controlled by Israel," and prohibits the state from investing in companies on the blacklist
  • Status: Passed Indiana House; Pending in Indiana Senate
  • Take Action via U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation


  • Read: ACLU-VA letter of opposition to original bill   
  • Read the amended bill: HB 1282  
  • What it does: Requires the Secretary of Commerce to work with the Virginia-Israel Advisory board to implement practices related to BDS
  • Status: Passed Virginia House; Pending in Virginia Senate
  • Take action via U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation


  • Read the bills: SB 86 and HB 527  
  • What they do: Creates a blacklist of organizations and entities that boycott Israel and "territories controlled by Israel" and prohibits the state from investing in or contracting with companies on the blacklist
  • Status: Passed Florida Senate and House
  • Read: Palestine Legal, CCR, NLG, CAIR-FL memo against SB 86



  • Read the bill: SSB 3087
  • What it does: Creates a blacklist of organizations and entities that boycott Israel and "territories controlled by Israel" and prohibits the state from investing in or contracting with companies on the blacklist
  • Status: Pending
  • Take action via American Friends Service Committee

U.S. Congress

  • US Customs Bill
    • Read: US Customs bill & media summary   
    • What it does: Instructs U.S. trade rep to discourage boycotts of Israel & "territories controlled by Israel" during US-EU trade negotiations
    • Status: Passed U.S. House and Senate
  • Combating BDS Act of 2016
    • Read: Combating BDS Act of 2016   
    • What it does: Authorizes state and local governments to enact laws divesting from companies that boycott Israel and "territories controlled by Israel" 
    • Status: Pending
    • Take action via U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation

Note: There are also anti-BDS bills pending in Georgia, New Jersey and Massachusetts