Apology to SJP from UCLA’s Graduate Students Association, Renewed Commitment to Free Speech

Apology to SJP from UCLA’s Graduate Students Association, Renewed Commitment to Free Speech

February 11, 2016 - UCLA’s Graduate Students Association (GSA) issued an apology for engaging in viewpoint discrimination against supporters of Palestinian rights, and adopted a constitutional amendment to clarify policies protecting free speech.

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Is New York State About to Create a Blacklist of BDS Supporters?

Is New York State About to Create a Blacklist of BDS Supporters?

New York lawmakers, seemingly baffled by the global boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign for Palestinian freedom, are despairing for the good old days of McCarthyism, when speech was suppressed and activists’ livelihoods endangered with the simple creation of a blacklist.

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University of Chicago Students Demand Response to Racist and anti-Palestinian Incidents on Campus

University of Chicago Students Demand Response to Racist and anti-Palestinian Incidents on Campus

In the wake of the publication of leaked emails from the listserv of Jewish fraternity Alph Epsilon Pi (AEPi) at the University of Chicago, revealing consistently racist, Islamophobic, anti-Palestinian and misogynistic comments from individual members, the University of Chicago student government passed a resolution yesterday, February 8, calling the university out for failing to respond appropriately to a number of incidents on campus.  The resolution (see below), in addition to the leaked information, also enumerates other incidents involving racist, Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian attacks on individual students, student groups, and racial and ethnic groups as a whole. 

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Union-Busting Firm Gets Involved to Stop Union from Endorsing BDS

Union-Busting Firm Gets Involved to Stop Union from Endorsing BDS

In December 2014, UAW 2865, the labor union representing over 14,000 graduate student workers at the University of California (UC), voted by an overwhelming majority to demand that their union and their employer, the UC, divest from companies complicit in human rights violations against Palestinians.

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Palestine Legal to Oberlin: False Accusations of Anti-Semitism are a Tool of Suppression

Palestine Legal to Oberlin: False Accusations of Anti-Semitism are a Tool of Suppression

On Tuesday, Palestine Legal sent a letter to Oberlin College President Marvin Krislov in response to recent accusations of anti-Semitism against the student group Students for a Free Palestine (SFP) at the Ohio liberal arts college.

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New York State wants to blacklist you

New York State wants to blacklist you

Today, Palestine Legal, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the National Lawyers Guild issued a legal memorandum to New York State legislators raising alarm over two McCarthyist bills pending in the state legislature. One bill passed the State Senate last week.

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2015 Year-in-Review: Suppression of Palestine Advocacy Continues

2015 Year-in-Review: Suppression of Palestine Advocacy Continues

Palestine Legal, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the civil rights of people in the U.S. who speak out for Palestinian freedom, responded to 240 incidents in 2015. Eighty percent of the incidents—which included baseless legal complaints, administrative disciplinary actions, bureaucratic barriers, and false accusations of terrorism and antisemitism—targeted students and scholars across the country. Palestine Legal received an additional 64 requests for legal assistance in anticipation of such incidents.

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