FAQ: New York State Human Rights Law Does Not Prohibit Boycotts of Israel

FAQ: New York State Human Rights Law Does Not Prohibit Boycotts of Israel

Today, Palestine Legal and the Center for Constitutional Rights released an FAQ to explain the anti-boycott provision of the New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL), and to refute meritless claims that the law prohibits human rights boycotts of Israel, Israeli companies, and Israeli goods. 

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UC Drops Consideration of State Department Anti-Semitism Definition

UC Drops Consideration of State Department Anti-Semitism Definition

In a victory for academic freedom, the University of California Board of Regents will not consider adopting the U.S. State Department’s re-definition of anti-Semitism during their July meeting, which began yesterday. Instead, according to a statement released by President Janet Napolitano, the Board of Regents “will consider at its September meeting a statement of principles against intolerance, including, but not limited to, anti-Semitism and other types of intolerance.”

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Civil rights orgs warn Northwestern University to protect campus speech

Civil rights orgs warn Northwestern University to protect campus speech

Today, Palestine Legal, the Center for Constitutional Rights, Jewish Voice for Peace, and the National Lawyers Guild sent a letter to Northwestern University President Morton Schapiro urging him to protect campus speech by rejecting calls to adopt a re-definition of anti-Semitism that could be used to silence critics of Israel.

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How does the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) Law Affect BDS?

How does the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) Law Affect BDS?

Earlier this week, President Obama signed into law the Trade Promotion Authority bill. The final law includes a watered-down version of an anti-BDS Amendment that Palestine Legal has been monitoring. 

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Business of Backlash Release Event Monday!

Business of Backlash Release Event Monday!

As the Palestinian and Palestine solidarity movements build power on campuses and in communities across the U.S., we face increasing backlash, including lawsuits, surveillance and criminalization.

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ZOA Fails to Censor Israel/Palestine Event at Columbia

ZOA Fails to Censor Israel/Palestine Event at Columbia

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) unsuccessfully attempted to censor a Columbia University workshop on Citizenship and Nationality in Israel/Palestine that took place this weekend. The day-long workshop for high school and college teachers, led by Columbia law professor Katherine Franke, used Zionist and Israeli texts to explore the issues of nationality and citizenship in Israel/Palestine.

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Press Release: Civil Rights Orgs Warn Against Efforts to Redefine Anti-Semitism

Press Release: Civil Rights Orgs Warn Against Efforts to Redefine Anti-Semitism

Citing fundamental values of free speech and open debate, students, faculty and civil rights groups are sounding alarm bells in response to efforts to restrict criticism of Israel on California campuses. 

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