Business of Backlash Release Event Monday!

As the Palestinian and Palestine solidarity movements build power on campuses and in communities across the U.S., we face increasing backlash, including lawsuits, surveillance and criminalization.

Who is funding these attacks on individuals and organizations standing up for justice and how can we respond in ways that strengthen our movements?

Join us for the Release of the 'Business of Backlash' 

Monday, June 29
7 pm
518 Valencia, San Francisco
(wheelchair accessible)

Featuring a discussion with
Sara Kershnar,  International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
Lara Kiswani, Arab Resource and Organizing Center
Liz Jackson, Palestine Legal
Other panelists TBA

The Business of Backlash reveals that much of the funding behind this backlash stems from a small group of donors who fund a range of right-wing causes including Islamophobia, climate change denial, education privatization, and anti-labor legislation. The report also highlights cases where activists have turned the tables—leveraging their successful defense to advance movements for justice.