DOE Dismisses Baseless Complaint

DOE Dismisses Baseless Complaint

Again, Department of Education Dismisses Baseless Title VI Charges, Reaffirming Criticism of Israel is Protected Speech. In an affirmation of free speech principles, the Department of Education’s (DOE) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has dismissed a complaint brought by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) in 2011 alleging that Rutgers University tolerated a hostile climate for Jewish students.

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PSLS Defends Megan Marzec

PSLS Defends Megan Marzec

Yesterday evening, Palestine Solidarity Legal Support sent Ohio University President McDavis a letter explaining the university’s obligations to protect student speech critical of Israel in light of recent calls to punish student senate president Megan Marzec after she poured a bucket of fake blood over her head to protest Israel’s human rights abuses of Palestinians. 

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Temple University SJP Falsely Accused

Temple University SJP Falsely Accused

Important coverage from Electronic Intifada chronicles the experience of SJP at Temple University, and the context of legal repression. Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Temple University returned to campus ready to recruit new members and have honest discussions about the recent assault on Gaza.  

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Professor Salaita calls for Reinstatement

Professor Salaita calls for Reinstatement

Prof. Steven Salaita spoke today for the first time about his termination from a tenured faculty position at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (UIUC) over personal tweets critical of Isarel's massacre on Gaza this summer.

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Steven Salaita Update

Steven Salaita Update

The saga at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) over the revocation of Steven Salaita’s tenure appointment because of his tweets on Gaza continues this week.  The pressure remains high on the university, but last week, all indications were that the Chancellor and the Board were digging their heels even further into the heart of faculty speech rights. 

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As protest over Gaza grew, so did attacks on speech supporting Palestinian freedom

As protest over Gaza grew, so did attacks on speech supporting Palestinian freedom

Across the U.S., people are rallying in support of justice for Palestinians. They’re doing it in small ways, like carrying a Palestinian flag to a game. They’re doing it in bigger ways, like conducting sit-ins and blocking ships. Some are veteran activists from the Civil Rights era. Others are Palestinian-American youth, returning from a summer under occupation.  

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Student Activists: 10 Reasons to Call PSLS

Student Activists: 10 Reasons to Call PSLS

Do you support justice in Palestine? Are you a student? Check out our infographic and contact us (for free!) if you have a question, need legal advice or would like to document an incident.

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