PSLS Condemns Salaita Revocation

PSLS Condemns Salaita Revocation

PSLS today sent a letter to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Board of Trustees enclosing a number of letters from legal organizations and law faculty to UIUC Chancellor Wise regarding the revocation of Steven Salaita’s tenure appointment earlier this month. 

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NLG Defends Ferguson, MO Residents

NLG Defends Ferguson, MO Residents

The National Lawyers Guild (NLG), a close partner of PSLS, is on the ground providing legal support to Ferguson, Missouri residents. We join in their strong objection to discriminatory law enforcement, and the racially biased system that underlies it. 

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Law Professors Call on UIUC to Reinstate Salaita

Law Professors Call on UIUC to Reinstate Salaita

Constitutional law scholars submitted a letter to University of Illinois Chancellor Phyllis Wise today urging the University to reinstate Professor Steven Salaita. The University reneged on its appointment of Salaita after pro-Israel groups complained about his social media posts criticizing Israel’s military operation in Gaza.

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Judge Borman Steps Down from Rasmea Odeh Case!

Judge Borman Steps Down from Rasmea Odeh Case!

On Tuesday, August 12th, Judge Paul Borman recused himself from the case of Palestinian community leader, Rasmea Odeh after revealing his family’s business interests directly related to the case.  When Odeh’s defense called upon Borman to step down two weeks prior, Borman refused, claiming that the motion for recusal was based on his Jewish heritage and “religious convictions.”

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PSLS Responds to Salaita Termination

PSLS Responds to Salaita Termination

PSLS, with CAIR-Chicago and NLG Chicago submitted a letter to University of Illinois Chancellor Phyllis Wise today urging the University to reinstate Professor Steven Salaita.  The University reneged on its appointment of Salaita after pro-Israel groups complained about his social media posts critical of Israel’s human rights abuses. 

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CCR Urges UIUC to Reinstate Salaita

CCR Urges UIUC to Reinstate Salaita

The Center for Constitutional Rights sent a letter to University of Illinois Chancellor Phyllis M. Wise today urging the University to reconsider its unprecedented decision to terminate the tenured appointment of Steven Salaita in the University’s American Indian Studies program. 

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PSLS recommendations to CA Campus Climate Committee

PSLS recommendations to CA Campus Climate Committee

The California State Assembly’s Select Committee on Campus Climate has held several hearings in 2014 in order to “gather information from administrators, students, staff, faculty and civil rights organizations relating to campus safety breaches, actions taken to correct them, and ways to improve procedures.” 

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