Our News: "Flag-gate" and more

Dear Friend,

By now, you've probably heard about "flag-gate," the scandal that hit George Washington University when student Ramie Abounaja was threatened with disciplinary action for hanging a Palestinian flag from his dorm window, even while other flags flew freely around campus. We supported Ramie, and the University has now apologized.

We are working hard every day to defend hundreds of students and other activists who show their support for Palestinian rights, but whose stories aren't as widely known as Ramie's.

Please read on for some highlights from our recent work.

With support from Palestine Legal and significant attention from the media, the University acceded to student Ramie Abounaja's
demands after campus police ordered him to take down his Palestinian flag.
(Read More)


Palestine Legal is monitoring legislation attacking Palestine advocacy around the country. There have been nearly 20 pieces of legislation introduced in 2015, and we're expecting many more in 2016.  See our Legislative page explaining the effects of this legislation, and our letter to Florida lawmakers urging them to reject the bill before them.

The Palestine Exception to Free Speech: A Movement Under Attack in the US

This fall we released a ground-breaking report documenting dozens of incidents that illustrate how talking about and advocating for Palestinian rights is being suppressed.

If you haven't already, check out the full report here, along with an accompanying video, and other related resources.

We need your support this year-end so we can start the new year strong! Palestine Legal is where Palestine activists turn when they face backlash for expressing their views. Your gift will allow us to continue to play a vital role in protecting their rights. Watch our video to learn more about why you should contribute!

Wishing you a safe and restful holiday season, and a happy New Year!

The Palestine Legal Team