Palestine Legal Stands against Racism at University of Missouri

November 12, 2015 - Palestine Legal issued the following statement today in response to harassment and threats against black students at University of Missouri:

The backlash against black students at the University of Missouri is terrifying and troubling. Palestine Legal stands in solidarity with black students at Mizzou and around the country who are facing a new level of hatred and bigotry in response to their activism demanding respect and sanctity for black lives. 
Palestine Legal has witnessed and responded to a wave of threats and intimidation against student activists organizing for Palestinian rights. These reactionary responses expose the deep-seated racism, Islamophobia, misogyny, and homophobia that remains embedded in U.S. culture. They also expose the effectiveness of student organizing for social justices and human rights when those who have benefited from the inequalities resort to threats of violence and intimidation.
We call on universities to take a stand against these efforts to intimidate and silence students who are working towards freedom, justice and equality – for black people in the United States and for Palestinians in Palestine.