We Need You This #GivingTuesday

We're calling on you to help protect Palestine activists against suppression.

Watch this video to find out why Palestine Legal's work is so essential to activists on the ground.

This past holiday weekend, we expressed thanks for all of you who are working towards systemic changes in the US, and all of you who contribute to making this work happen in whatever way you can. 

It is your support that will enable us to continue defending the growing number of activists speaking out in support of Palestine. The more the movement grows, the more resources Israel advocates invest in suppressing it.

In fact, since January, we've responded to 230 incidents of suppression. For example, in the past month, we supported activists when:

Can you help us fight this unrelenting backlash against Palestine advocacy?

Some other ways you can help Palestine Legal this #GivingTuesday - and beyond:

  • Forward this email to your friends and encourage them to donate.
  • Follow us on TwitterLike our page on Facebook and share our content, especially this #GivingTuesday!
  • Host a small event to inform your friends or family about our work
  • Share our groundbreaking report with your elected officials, administrators at your alma mater, colleagues, friends and family to educate others about the the problem we're tackling, and enlist their help. 

With sincere thanks,


Dima Khalidi
Director, Palestine Legal