Zahra Billoo's Principled Insistence on Justice for All

Zahra Billoo's Principled Insistence on Justice for All

Liz Jackson: “Zahra Billoo, who was voted off the board of the Women’s March just days after joining the team, embodies what it means to challenge all systems of violence - fighting the patriarchy, resisting Islamophobia, and supporting Jewish people like me in a time of rising bigotry against Jewish people and all vulnerable populations.” 

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GW Responds to Public Outcry But Falls Short in Supporting Palestinian Students

GW Responds to Public Outcry But Falls Short in Supporting Palestinian Students

George Washington University (GW) is investigating its denial of trauma support services of trauma support services to Palestinian students in the wake of Israel’s bombing campaign last spring, but the university failed to apologize to its Palestinian students. The investigation comes after a public outcry and a civil rights complaint that Palestine Legal initiated this month.

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George Washington University Selectively Denies Trauma Services to Palestinians: New Civil Rights Complaint  

George Washington University Selectively Denies Trauma Services to Palestinians: New Civil Rights Complaint  

Palestine Legal and co-counsel Benjamin Douglas initiated a civil rights complaint against George Washington University (GW) challenging GW's selective and discriminatory cancelation of trauma support services for Palestinian students after Israel’s violent repression of Palestinian protests in Jerusalem and another devastating war on Gaza this past spring.

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Palestine Legal Stands Against Islamophobic Attacks on Nourhan Mesbah

Palestine Legal Stands Against Islamophobic Attacks on Nourhan Mesbah

Palestine Legal joined civil rights and Muslim advocacy groups in denouncing Islamophobic attacks against Nourhan Mesbah, the newly-elected vice president of the College Democrats of America, based on one tweet she made as a child. Read the full press release from American Muslims for Palestine here.

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Resisting Israel’s ‘Terrorist’ Designation of Palestinian Human Rights Orgs

Resisting Israel’s ‘Terrorist’ Designation of Palestinian Human Rights Orgs

Israel’s continued expansion of the so-called “terrorist” designation is based on unfounded accusations and racist propaganda, and is another escalation of Israel's efforts to cut Palestinians off from the international community. These organizations are being targeted because they are doing critical work to expose Israel’s constant violations of Palestinian rights.

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Fall Events with Palestine Legal

Fall Events with Palestine Legal

Palestine Legal staff are participating in a number of events this fall on topics ranging from resisting digital censorship to the broader landscape of organizing for Palestinian rights in the U.S. Stay tuned to this page for updates throughout the fall.

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Legal Resources for Student Organizing for Palestine

Legal Resources for Student Organizing for Palestine

We’re sharing some essential Palestine Legal resources about your right to organize for Palestine on campus and beyond, including:

  • Our Know Your Rights resources for students

  • 10 Reasons for Students to Call Palestine Legal

  • Our interactive guide on efforts to redefine antisemitism to silence advocacy for Palestinian rights

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