The Right to Boycott Israel: Yours, Mine and Ben & Jerry’s

The Right to Boycott Israel: Yours, Mine and Ben & Jerry’s

Following Ben & Jerry's announcement, Israeli government officials and their allies in the U.S. threatened to invoke some 30 state laws that target boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns for Palestinian freedom. Here’s what you need to know about your right to boycott.

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Spotlight on Spring Palestine Protests: US Activists Speak Out Despite Backlash

Spotlight on Spring Palestine Protests: US Activists Speak Out Despite Backlash

In response to Palestine protests and acts of solidarity around the country this spring, Palestine Legal witnessed a significant uptick in the amount and severity of backlash against Palestine advocates by Israel and its allies in the U.S. Here we highlight some of the major trends we witnessed in our cases and intakes and in the movement more broadly between May and June 2021.

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Palestine Protests: Palestine Is Still An Exception—Especially At Universities

Palestine Protests: Palestine Is Still An Exception—Especially At Universities

Individuals, administrators, and organizations who had put out strong statements of support for Black and Asian lives and against state violence and racism in a domestic context suddenly came under fire for applying a similar logic to Palestinian rights and freedom.

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Palestine Protests: Attempts To Get Palestine Advocates Fired

Palestine Protests: Attempts To Get Palestine Advocates Fired

Some complaints about messages of support for Palestinian freedom focused on getting workers or students fired from their jobs or expelled from school. Most of these efforts failed, but still caused harm to those impacted, and have a chilling impact on speech in support of Palestinians.

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Palestine Protests: Medical Workers & Students Targeted For Attacks

Palestine Protests: Medical Workers & Students Targeted For Attacks

Doctors, medical students and workers all faced attacks for Palestine advocacy, including pressure not to speak out, the removal of a piece on Palestinian health from a well-known scientific magazine, and a campaign to remove a Palestinian doctor from her post at a hospital.

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Palestine Protests: Graduation Ceremonies Censor Palestinian Students

Palestine Protests: Graduation Ceremonies Censor Palestinian Students

Palestinian students wishing to honor and celebrate their heritage were censored, threatened, or otherwise targeted by their administrations at both high school and college graduation ceremonies.

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Palestine Protests: Weaponized Accusations of Antisemitism Distract from Palestinian Rights

Palestine Protests: Weaponized Accusations of Antisemitism Distract from Palestinian Rights

Widespread media reports of a rise in antisemitism as protests for Palestinian rights peaked in May relied on often false, misleading, decontextualized, and distorted information. The narratives were largely based on data from the ADL and other Israel advocacy groups, whose methodology has been called out as politically biased.

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