Palestine Protests: Palestine Is Still An Exception—Especially At Universities
/This is one of six blogs highlighting themes in activism and backlash in May and June 2021.
Individuals, administrators, and organizations suddenly came under fire for putting out statements supporting Palestinian rights and freedom—in some cases just months after people were praised for issuing similar statements of support for Black and Asian lives and against domestic state violence and racism.
Anti-Palestinian organizations attacked university departments across the country for statements of solidarity with the Palestinian people, pressuring universities to establish a “Palestine exception” to social justice.
Inside Higher Ed reported in June: “The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel said more than 300 academic departments, program centers, unions and societies worldwide have endorsed statements supporting Palestinian rights, and statements from individual scholars, staff, students and alumni have garnered more than 15,000 signatures in what the campaign describes as ‘an unprecedented wave of solidarity.’”
African American Studies Dept. Takes Down Statement
The African American Studies department at Penn State University took down a statement in solidarity with Palestine after inquiries from a dean. The department reissued their statement in June, noting that the statement “has been subject to a different level of administrative scrutiny, unprecedented for our department.”
False Accusations for Signing a Statement
At a large public university, two professors received complaints after their program signed onto a student-led Palestine solidarity statement that used the word "genocide." The complaints, from pro-Israel colleagues in their department, included false accusations of antisemitism.
False Accusations for Speaking Out
At a private university in Chicago, a staff member who acknowledged the genocidal tactics Israel has used against Palestinians was falsely accused of racism by a member of the faculty. After a disciplinary investigation, the staff member was cleared of wrongdoing.
Palestine Legal will continue to monitor, track, and respond to incidents of repression. Contact us if you would like to report on these issues, request legal and advocacy assistance, or document incidents of suppression.
A Significant Uptick in Backlash
As people of conscience around the world reacted to Israel’s intensified military and colonial violence against Palestinians this spring, voices rang out from new corners in support of the Palestinian uprising.
In response, Palestine Legal witnessed a significant uptick in the amount and severity of backlash against Palestine advocates by Israel and its allies in the U.S.
Click through to explore the following themes in activism and backlash we witnessed between May and June 2021: