UIUC Students Organize Against Efforts to Equate Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism

UIUC Students Organize Against Efforts to Equate Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism

The student government at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign passed a resolution on October 23 demanding an apology from the chancellor over a school-wide email that conflated criticism of Israel with antisemitism and called a Palestinian student’s presentation on Palestine antisemitic.

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Civil Rights, Community Orgs Call on SFSU to Support Rabab Abdulhadi

Civil Rights, Community Orgs Call on SFSU to Support Rabab Abdulhadi

Palestine Legal, along with 19 other local and national civil rights, community, and educational organizations, has urged San Francisco State University to publicly defend Professor Rabab Abdulhadi against a years-long campaign of harassment, threats, and legal bullying. 

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Tell Georgia Tech: Don’t Punish Students Over Palestine Talk

Tell Georgia Tech: Don’t Punish Students Over Palestine Talk

The Georgia Tech chapter of Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) has been sanctioned by the university for refusing to allow a non-student employee of Hillel to attend their general meeting and offer a “counter-narrative” promoting Israel. The students, who are representing themselves, have appealed the decision and need your support. 

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Liz Jackson in The Guardian

Liz Jackson in The Guardian

Liz Jackson is featured in a Guardian exposé on the collaboration between ALEC—a notoriously racist organization that pushes model legislation around the country—and pro-Israel actors to redefine antisemitism in state legislatures. These redefinition bills are a means of targeting campus advocacy for Palestinian rights.

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Fall Events with Palestine Legal

Fall Events with Palestine Legal

We have a very busy schedule this fall of public education events and conference panels. Hear from us at the following events in October and November.

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Zoha Khalili on Al Jazeera - The Stream

Zoha Khalili on Al Jazeera - The Stream

Staff attorney Zoha Khalili spoke on today's episode of Al Jazeera - The Stream about US government attacks on Middle East Studies at Duke and UNC following a March conference on Gaza.

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Bowing to pro-Israel complaints, Dept. of Ed threatens Middle East studies funding

Bowing to pro-Israel complaints, Dept. of Ed threatens Middle East studies funding

Three months after announcing that it would investigate the use of federal funds in an academic conference on Gaza at the University of North Carolina (UNC), the Department of Education has published a letter threatening to withdraw funding from the Duke-UNC Consortium for Middle East Studies, which sponsored the event.

Sent a week after the start of the fall semester, the letter threatens to cut off funding to Middle East Studies unless Duke-UNC provides a “revised schedule of activities that it plans to support for the coming year, including a description demonstrating how each activity promotes foreign language learning and advances the national security interests and economic stability of the United States” by September 22.

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