Statement on Cuomo's Anti-BDS Blacklist

Statement on Cuomo's Anti-BDS Blacklist

Gov. Cuomo just released a blacklist of BDS supporters, violating the First Amendment

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Attack on Free Speech in U.S. Senate

Attack on Free Speech in U.S. Senate

December 1, 2016 - The US Senate will today consider a bill aiming to impose a broad redefinition of antisemitism on the Department of Education (DOE). While purporting to address rising antisemitism on college campuses, the bill clearly takes aim at student advocacy for Palestinian rights, and criticism of Israel.

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This "Thanksgiving"...

This "Thanksgiving"...

This “Thanksgiving,” Palestine Legal recalls the fact that the holiday is “a completely made up story,” “the origin story of the United States, the beginning of genocide and dispossession and constant warfare…a colonial system that was set up,” as indigenous historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz recently stated

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Kent State Fails to Defend Students Against False Terrorism Accusations

Kent State Fails to Defend Students Against False Terrorism Accusations

On Tuesday, Palestine Legal sent a letter to Kent State University President Beverley Warren expressing outrage over the University’s failure to defend students falsely accused of supporting terrorism.

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The University of California Must Protect Civil Rights in the Face of Trump’s Persecution of Muslims, Arabs, and Palestine Activists

The University of California Must Protect Civil Rights in the Face of Trump’s Persecution of Muslims, Arabs, and Palestine Activists

As Trump’s campaign promises become reality, the University of California (UC) Regents’ so-called “Intolerance Principles” put vulnerable students at risk for increased attacks, warned Palestine Legal and other civil rights organizations in a letter, sent today, to UC President Napolitano and the Board of Regents.

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Doubling down, together

Doubling down, together

Palestine Legal’s work reminds us every day that we are vulnerable. Our movements for social justice, and the individuals within them, have targets on our backs. Today, we are especially sensitive to the fact that the gains we've made for racial, economic and gender justice, immigrant rights and human rights, are on the line.

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Horowitz threatens to sue student over op-ed responding to hate posters

Horowitz threatens to sue student over op-ed responding to hate posters

Donald Trump is not the only textbook legal bully this season. David Horowitz– a driver of anti-Muslim and anti-Black hate – threatened to sue UCLA senior Robert Gardner in response to an op-ed calling the Horowitz Freedom Center “hateful.” Robert wrote his op-ed after Horowitz plastered the campus with posters describing Robert, and other students and faculty, as promoters of terrorism and “Jew Hatred.”

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