Northeastern University Attempts to Block Divestment Referendum

Northeastern University Attempts to Block Divestment Referendum

On Thursday, March 12, Palestine Solidarity Legal Support, along with the ACLU of Massachusetts, the Center for Constitutional Rights and the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild sent a letter to Northeastern University Student Body President and student government members, urging them to resist calls to suppresses student democracy by preventing the student body from voting on Students for Justice in Palestine’s (SJP) divestment referendum.

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UCLA Tacitly Silences Critics of Israel

UCLA Tacitly Silences Critics of Israel

On March 10, 2015 UCLA Undergraduate Student Association Council (USAC) passed a “Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism” that re-defines anti-Semitism in terms long pushed by Israel advocacy groups to encompass almost any criticism of Israeli policies.

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University of Toledo Divestment Resolution Passes by a Landslide

University of Toledo Divestment Resolution Passes by a Landslide

On Tuesday, the student government at University of Toledo (UT) voted 21-4 in favor of passing a resolution to divest from companies that profit from Israel’s occupation.  

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Letter to University of Toledo Re Divestment Vote

Letter to University of Toledo Re Divestment Vote

This morning, Palestine Solidarity Legal Support (PSLS) and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) sent a letter to University of Toledo President Nagi Naganathan, urging the university to comply with its obligations under the First Amendment and Ohio’s Open Meetings Act. 

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Job Announcement: PSLS Is Hiring a Staff Attorney

Job Announcement: PSLS Is Hiring a Staff Attorney

Job posting is also available at


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Northwestern University Urged to Affirm Commitment to Free Speech

Northwestern University Urged to Affirm Commitment to Free Speech

Prior to Wednesday’s student government vote on a divestment resolution put forward by the student coalition NUDivest, Palestine Solidarity Legal Support sent Northwestern University President Morton Schapiro a letter encouraging the university to protect the rights of student groups who support divestment from companies that profit from Israeli human rights violations.

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DOE Warned against Campaign to Censor Middle East Studies

DOE Warned against Campaign to Censor Middle East Studies

Today, a group of civil rights organizations – including Palestine Solidarity Legal Support, the Center for Constitutional Rights, Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus, the National Lawyers Guild, and others – submitted a letter to the Department of Education (DOE) voicing their strong objection to the Amcha Initiative and the Brandeis Center for Human Rights’ lobbying campaign to curtail what the Israel advocacy groups characterize as “anti-Israel” and “anti-Semitic” programming in Middle East studies centers.

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