UC Leadership Urged to Honor Rights of Students Supporting Divestment

UC Leadership Urged to Honor Rights of Students Supporting Divestment

Palestine Solidarity Legal Support (PSLS) submitted a letter to University of California (UC) administrators in anticipation of the UC Student Association (UCSA) vote this Sunday on a proposal to the UC Regents to divest from corporations that profit from Palestinian human rights violations.

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Salaita sues University of Illinois for firing him over Gaza tweets

Salaita sues University of Illinois for firing him over Gaza tweets

Today, PSLS’ partner the Center for Constitutional Rights filed a lawsuit with co-counsel on behalf of Professor Steven Salaita claiming violations of his First Amendment and due process rights, as well as other breach of contract claims. 

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DOE Stands By Dismissals of Frivolous Complaints Targeting Palestine Activism

DOE Stands By Dismissals of Frivolous Complaints Targeting Palestine Activism

The US Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (DOE) definitively denied two appeals challenging the dismissals of Title VI Complaints filed against University of California (UC) Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz. 

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Boycott Case Heard before WA Supreme Court

Boycott Case Heard before WA Supreme Court

The case against Olympia Food Co-op Board Members for the Co-op’s boycott of Israeli goods was heard before the Washington Supreme Court yesterday.  

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PSLS' Top 8 Blog Posts of 2014

PSLS' Top 8 Blog Posts of 2014

Happy New Year!  2014 was a busy year for legal repression of Palestine advocacy.  For a peek into some highlights of our work, here is a list of our 8 most viewed posts of the year:

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Radhika Sainath in Huffington Post

Radhika Sainath in Huffington Post

This article was originally published in Huffington Post on Dec. 22, 2014. Click here for the the posting.


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Lawsuit Intends to Thwart Co-op BDS Victory

Lawsuit Intends to Thwart Co-op BDS Victory

On Friday, December 5, Palestine Solidarity Legal Support (PSLS), together with Jewish Voice for Peace, the National Lawyers Guild, American Muslims for Palestine and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, through their local Washington State counsel Neil Fox, submitted an Amicus Brief to the Washington Supreme Court asking it to uphold lower court decisions dismissing a lawsuit against Olympia Food Co-op board members for passing a boycott of Israeli goods.

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