PSLS’ Letter to Haaretz Editor

PSLS’ Letter to Haaretz Editor

An edited version of this letter was originally published in Haaretz. Click here for the the posting

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FAQ on the Legality of Boycott and Divestment

FAQ on the Legality of Boycott and Divestment

As University of California graduate student workers and members of Local UAW 2865 prepare to vote this Thursday December 4 on a boycott and divestment resolution, it is no surprise that the union faces baseless legal threats. 

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Warning to Universities: No “Civility” Exception to First Amendment

Warning to Universities: No “Civility” Exception to First Amendment

A group of civil rights organizations – including Palestine Solidarity Legal Support, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the National Lawyers Guild, Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus, and others – submitted a letter to over 200 universities cautioning administrators against heeding calls to censor or stifle expression criticizing the state of Israel or advocating for Palestinian human rights.

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Dima Khalidi on Non-Indictment of Darren Wilson

Dima Khalidi on Non-Indictment of Darren Wilson

PSLS Director, Dima Khalidi, made the following statement in response to the Ferguson Grand Jury's failure to indict Darren Wilson, the Ferguson police officer who killed unarmed teenager Michael Brown.

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Rasmea Odeh Update

Rasmea Odeh Update

NLG released the following statement on Friday, November 21, 2014.  PSLS and other organizations urge Judge to reinstate Rasmea Odeh's bond so she can continue her social work pending her sentencing in March. 

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Title VI and Middle East Studies: What You Should Know

Title VI and Middle East Studies: What You Should Know

In the past few years, pro-Israel groups have mounted an escalating and concerted effort to set the contours of scholarly debate about Israel on American campuses. This fall, two such organizations, the AMCHA Initiative and the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, are lobbying Congress and the Department of Education to punish Middle East studies centers that present alternatives to staunchly pro-Israel viewpoints. 

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Odeh’s guilty verdict doesn't mean her battle for justice is over

Odeh’s guilty verdict doesn't mean her battle for justice is over

Rasmea Odeh’s trial was surreal – and not just because I grew up knowing her and her story and was jarred seeing her in the defendant’s chair.  The attorney representing the U.S. government essentially did Israel’s bidding, painting a Palestinian woman who embodies the Palestinian history of dispossession, struggle and resilience as “dangerous and threatening.”  And the judge allowed it.

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