Radhika Sainath quoted in the Wall Street Journal

Radhika Sainath quoted in the Wall Street Journal

The following is an excerpt of an article published in the Wall Street Journal on March 16, 2016.  To view the full article, visit wsj.com here.

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Is New York State About to Create a Blacklist of BDS Supporters?

Is New York State About to Create a Blacklist of BDS Supporters?

New York lawmakers, seemingly baffled by the global boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign for Palestinian freedom, are despairing for the good old days of McCarthyism, when speech was suppressed and activists’ livelihoods endangered with the simple creation of a blacklist.

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Liz Jackson: BDS campaign against Israeli policies is not anti-Semitic

Liz Jackson: BDS campaign against Israeli policies is not anti-Semitic

Across California, students are increasingly supporting Palestinian human rights through boycott, divestment and sanction (BDS) campaigns that promote Palestinian freedom and equality. The movement, similar to the United Farm Workers' nonviolent grape boycott, is designed to create political and economic pressure on Israel to comply with international human rights.

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StandWithUs Pushes for Full Prosecution of Peaceful Protesters and Lawyer

StandWithUs Pushes for Full Prosecution of Peaceful Protesters and Lawyer

On November 3, Minneapolis activists protested a University of Minnesota Law School event featuring Moshe Halbertal, co-author of the Israel Defense Force’s Code of Ethics.   

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Palestinian American Detained Near Border for Sketching and Writing

Palestinian American Detained Near Border for Sketching and Writing

On December 2, Palestinian-American artist and author of the graphic novel BaddawiLeila Abdelrazaq, and two friends were detained and interrogated near the Mexico border because Ms. Abdelrazaq's notebook sketches and Arabic writing apparently raised red flags.


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Media Spotlight: GWU Apologizes for Palestinian Flag Censorship

Media Spotlight: GWU Apologizes for Palestinian Flag Censorship

We are pleased to share the extensive media coverage of George Washington University's flag-gate 2015, in which GWU President Steven Knapp apologized to pre-med student Ramie Abounaja for the college's discriminatory removal of his Palestinian flag.

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Media Spotlight on 'The Palestine Exception'

Media Spotlight on 'The Palestine Exception'

We are excited to share the extensive media coverage of our report, The Palestine Exception to Free Speech: A Movement Under Attack in the US, released last Wednesday in partnership with the Center for Constitutional Rights.

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