Statement on Muslim Ban

Statement on Muslim Ban

Today’s decision willfully ignores the anti-Muslim bias of the Trump administration and leaves the president unchecked in cruelly wielding immigration policy to score political points with his base.

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Statement on Muslim Ban 2.0

Statement on Muslim Ban 2.0

In the wake of Muslim Ban 2.0, Palestine Legal renews our opposition to the Trump administration’s racist and anti-Muslim agenda. We stand with the people resisting the administration’s executive orders aimed at banning Muslims, dividing immigrant families, bolstering the militarization and impunity of police, and hurting communities of color. We are confident that the courts will block the Muslim Ban 2.0 as they did the first.

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Resist the Ban. Be Informed. Know Your Rights.

Resist the Ban. Be Informed. Know Your Rights.

Palestine Legal stands in staunch opposition to the Muslim ban, and all attempts to undermine basic rights and freedoms. As the executive order banning immigrants and asylum seekers from seven Muslim-majority countries is constitutionally challenged, we are here to help targeted communities and their allies find the right resources and legal assistance. 

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