Media Roundup: Palestine Legal on unprecedented surge in anti-Palestinian repression since October 7th

Media Roundup: Palestine Legal on unprecedented surge in anti-Palestinian repression since October 7th

As the US-backed Israeli bombardment of Gaza has reached unfathomable proportions, so has the war of repression here: since Oct. 7th we’ve received an unprecedented 1300+ reports from people targeted for Palestine advocacy across cities and industries—but it’s not stopping the upsurge in solidarity. 

Here is a media round-up of 10 key articles written by staff and reporters highlighting the wave of anti-Palestinian repression and the resistance to it in both mainstream and progressive outlets such as: Democracy Now!, The New York Times, The Daily Beast, Al Jazeera, and others. 

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Danya Zituni in The Daily Beast: Silencing of Pro-Palestinian Voices Proves Israel Is Losing

Danya Zituni in The Daily Beast: Silencing of Pro-Palestinian Voices Proves Israel Is Losing

Communications Manager Danya Zituni wrote an important op-ed in The Daily Beast on why the machine of anti-Palestinian repression is failing.

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Pro-Palestine Student Group in Florida Sues University System to Prevent Unconstitutional Deactivation

Pro-Palestine Student Group in Florida Sues University System to Prevent Unconstitutional Deactivation

The University of Florida chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (UF SJP) filed a lawsuit today challenging the Chancellor of the State University System of Florida’s order to state universities to deactivate the student group. Contrary to recent media reports, the deactivation order remains in place today.

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Letter to Workplace Leaders: Protect against anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim discrimination

Letter to Workplace Leaders: Protect against anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim discrimination

Palestine Legal, together with other legal organizations including ADC, CCR, NLG, Law for Black Lives,  the National Lawyers Guild and Project South issued an open letter to workplace leaders urging them to take measures to protect against anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim discrimination, and against retaliation for employees' political views. The letter emphasizes the unprecedented wave of workplace discrimination and employment consequences people who are advocating for Palestinian lives are facing.

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Joint Letter to Universities: Protect Essential Student Activism for Palestinian Human Rights

Joint Letter to Universities: Protect Essential Student Activism for Palestinian Human Rights

On November 3, Palestine Legal and ten other legal organizations committed to racial and social justice sent an letter to the leadership of hundreds of college and university campuses nationwide—urging them to safeguard the civil and human rights of all of their students, protect the crucial role of campus debate within our democracy, and reject the repression of political speech and the policing, surveillance, and criminalization of students speaking out against the mass atrocities Palestinians are suffering and for Palestinian safety and human rights.

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Radhika Sainath in Boston Review: The Free Speech Exception

Radhika Sainath in Boston Review: The Free Speech Exception

Senior staff attorney Radhika Sainath penned an excellent op-ed in the Boston Review on how the climate of censorship, suppression, and intimidation aimed at supporters of Palestinian rights that we are witnessing resembles the aftermath of 9/11.

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Dylan Saba in n+1: A Surge in Suppression

Dylan Saba in n+1: A Surge in Suppression

Palestine Legal staff attorney Dylan Saba published an important Op-Ed in n+1 on the wave of retaliation and censorship of political expression in solidarity with Palestinians that we’ve witnessed over the past month.

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