Letter to Workplace Leaders: Protect against anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim discrimination

Palestine Legal, together with other legal organizations including the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Council on American Islamic Relations, Law for Black Lives, the National Lawyers Guild and Project South issued an open letter to workplace leaders urging them to take measures to protect against anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim discrimination, and against retaliation for employees' political views.

The letter emphasizes the unprecedented wave of workplace discrimination and employment consequences people who are advocating for Palestinian lives are facing.

The letter also urges workplace leaders to avoid signing on to pledges with the Anti-Defamation League given the group's record of targeting Palestinian, Arab, Muslim and other social justice communities. The group is pushing workplaces to adopt a definition of antisemitism that labels advocacy for Palestinian rights as antisemitic, and is actively working to censor and criminalize Palestinians and their allies now speaking out against genocide. 

Read and share the full letter to workplace leaders here.