Rifqa Falaneh and Northwestern Law student Aasiyah Wasif on CBS News

In an exclusive interview with CBS News, Palestine Legal client Aasiyah Wasif and our Michael Ratner Fellow Rifqa Falaneh spoke about the months-long, hostile anti-Palestinian environment at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law.

Palestine Legal filed a civil rights complaint against Northwestern Law in April on behalf of students who have been the target of anti-Palestinian discrimination and harassment by fellow students, professors, and NU Law administrators.

The interview shares the breaking development that the Department of Education has announced NU Law is now under federal investigation for anti-Palestinian racism.

Going public for the first time, our client Aasiyah told CBS News about the hostile anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic climate she and other students are experiencing on campus.

She describes how professors have repeatedly made egregious anti-Palestinian comments, creating an “environment of fear and hostility” and emboldening pro-Israel students to dox and threaten Palestinian students and their allies. As Aasiyah says, these racist comments and threats are “done to intimidate and silence us and to harm us.”

Palestine Legal has filed nearly a dozen federal civil rights complaints in the past year to expose on the record and challenge the unprecedented repression and targeting of Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and associated students amid protests on campuses against Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

Read the digital story here: U.S. Department of Education investigating Northwestern after anti-Palestinian, Islamophobic complaint.

Watch the full interview below: