What We're Watching (Week of July 6)

We are keeping track of events that may interest our followers related to Palestine and advocacy for Palestinian rights, Black Lives Matter protests and allied social movements, and digital rights and security.

Webinars on the Black Freedom Struggle: 

Making Meaning of This Moment: Forging an Abolitionist Strategy for Defending Black Communities by the Movement for Black Lives (Watch Here)

Defund the Police: A Webinar on Police, Race, and Universities by Scholars for Social Justice (Watch Here)

ADC Presents: Palestinian Solidarity with Black Communities with Noura Erakat, Ajamu Dillahunt, and Ahmad Abuznaid (Watch Here)

Week of July 6

Tuesday, July 7

Movement Lawyering in the Time of Uprisings (5:30pm ET)

Featuring Amira Mattar, the Michael Ratner Justice Fellow at Palestine Legal. Hosted by Social Justice Scholars at Rutgers Law School. (Register Here)

Wednesday, July 8

Can I Get A Witness? Corner Stores & Organizing for a New Reality (6pm CT)

Join the Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) and Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative to learn about campaigns organizing immigrant owned businesses in predominantly Black neighborhoods. (Register Here)

Thursday, July 9

Global Uprising: Webinar with Michael Bennett, Pele Bennett, Joy Lehuanani Enomoto and Nick Estes (6pm ET)

Register in advance for the webinar or join via the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement’s Facebook page.

Friday, July 10

Minneapolis, Soweto, London, occupied Jerusalem & beyond: United against Racism & Colonialism! (1pm ET)

A rally on building alliances within anti-racist movements featuring Black (US and UK), South African, and Palestinian speakers including Marc Lamont Hill, Omar Barghouti, and Stefanie Fox. (Register Here)

Past Webinars with Palestine Legal

Shrinking Space, Digital Occupation and Silenced Networks (1:30 PM ET) by 7amleh - Arab Center for Social Media Advancement. Palestine Legal’s Dima Khalidi joined Alison Carmel and Nadim Nashif of 7amleh along with Stefanie Fox of Jewish Voice for Peace and Franck Magennis of Al Haq.

Legislating Against Criticism of Israel - the Ongoing Assault on Americans' Free Speech with the Foundation for Middle East Peace - featuring Palestine Legal director Dima Khalidi (April 2020)

Inside the FBI's Spying on the International Solidarity Movement: Staff attorney Zoha Khalili joined International Solidarity Movement co-founder Huwaida Arraf and Chip Gibbons of Defending Rights & Dissent to discuss FBI spying against the ISM that Chip revealed in an Intercept exposé. (April 2020)

Behind the Frivolous Lawsuit Targeting the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights featuring Palestine Legal, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and USCPR. (March 2020)

Looking for on demand content? Here are recordings of past webinars we have shared:

  • Webinar with Rasmea Odeh and George Khoury by the US Palestinian Community Network (Video)

  • We Got Us, The Legacy of Mutual Aid in Indigenous, Black and Palestinian Communities by Adalah Justice Project (Video)

  • Learning for Our Liberation: Gaza in Context with Eyewitness Palestine (Video)

  • Live Talk from Palestine: Updates on Palestinian Political Prisoners with the US Palestinian Community Network featuring Addameer Prisoner Support & Human Rights Association (Video)

  • Surveillance and the Fight Against COVID-19 in Israel and Around the World with the Foundation for Middle East Peace (Video)

  • Friday Night Forum: Lessons on International Organizing with AROC, the Center for Political Education, and The Red Nation

    • COVID-19 in Indian Country (Video)

    • International Lessons on Worker Organizing (Video)

    • Venezuela and Sanctions (Video)

  • Palestine on Campus: Not Backing Down with the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (Video)