Palestine Legal Statement on NLG Ending Lawsuit Targeting BDS

May 19, 2020—Palestine Legal issued the following statement regarding NLG’s decision to end a lawsuit brought by anti-Palestinian lawyer and serial litigant David Abrams:

Screenshot of 2019 event “Lawfare for Fun and Profit” with David Abrams advertised by the Zionist Advocacy Center.

Screenshot of 2019 event “Lawfare for Fun and Profit” with David Abrams advertised by the Zionist Advocacy Center.

Israel lobby groups are so desperate to stop the movement for Palestinian freedom that they attacked the nation’s oldest progressive lawyers’ association—whose members have been at the forefront of fighting discrimination and advancing social justice movements for over 80 years. The movement for Palestinian rights, including boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns, continues to thrive in unique community-driven ways despite systematic censorship attempts and legal harassment. This movement thrives because it is based on universal values of freedom, equality and justice. With this settlement, NLG affirms that BDS is predicated on non-discrimination, and that the organization remains undeterred in working for justice in Palestine.