The Guardian on Backlash to Growing Campus Palestine Activism

Michael Ratner Justice Fellow Amira Mattar was featured in a Guardian article addressing the backlash to the growing campus movement for Palestinian liberation.

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Media Roundup: Florida State's Anti-Palestinian Racism Against Ahmad Daraldik

In April, Palestine Legal filed a civil rights complaint with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights demanding an immediate investigation into a hostile environment of anti-Palestinian racism at Florida State University. Ahmad’s story was featured in 972 Magazine, Inside Higher Education, Mondoweiss, and in an op-ed from Ahmad himself in The Nation.

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Dima Khalidi's Op-Ed on Palestinian Youth Rising Up

Director Dima Khalidi published a powerful op-ed in Truthout on the role of Palestinian youth leading the movement to end Israeli apartheid and settler colonialism.

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The Intercept on FB's Secret Rules on Posts About "Zionists"

The Intercept published a breaking story about guidelines Facebook has been employing since 2019 to moderate posts about “Zionists” as hate speech. Dima Khalidi was quoted in the piece, criticizing the policy.

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#SaveSheikhJarrah #DefendGaza - Legal Resources for #NakbaAt73 Palestine Protests

Palestine Legal joins widespread international condemnation of Israel’s ethnic cleansing efforts in East Jerusalem, severe repression of protesters, and indiscriminate murder of Palestinians in Gaza. We share legal resources for protesters organizing or participating in demonstrations, as well as an incomplete list of actions around the U.S. organized by Palestinian communities and their supporters.

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Middlebury College Refuses to Support Palestinian Student Harassed After Criticizing Israeli Apartheid

Middlebury College Refuses to Support Palestinian Student Harassed After Criticizing Israeli Apartheid

Palestine Legal wrote Middlebury College last week demanding it take swift action to protect Palestinian students — and students supporting Palestinian rights—and warning that the College’s failure to do so may violate the university’s obligations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its own speech policies.

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Pal Legal to Dep’t of Ed.: Investigate Anti-Palestinian Racism at Florida State

On Tuesday, April 13, Palestine Legal filed a civil rights complaint with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights demanding an immediate investigation into a hostile environment of anti-Palestinian racism that continues to fester at FSU.

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