Digging Deeper into Black Liberation: Webinar Summary

Digging Deeper into Black Liberation: Webinar Summary

On July 9, 2020, Palestine Legal hosted a webinar on “Digging Deeper into Black Liberation: Land, Reparations & Development." The following are highlights from each speaker.

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Palestine Legal to DC Court of Appeals: Dismiss Lawsuit Over ASA Israel Boycott as SLAPP Suit

Palestine Legal to DC Court of Appeals: Dismiss Lawsuit Over ASA Israel Boycott as SLAPP Suit

Palestine Legal has urged the D.C. Court of Appeals to dismiss the latest in a series of lawsuits that were filed to scare professors from supporting the academic boycott of Israel.

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Missouri Becomes 30th US State to Punish Boycotts for Palestinian Freedom (UPDATED)

Missouri Becomes 30th US State to Punish Boycotts for Palestinian Freedom (UPDATED)

Oklahoma and Missouri have become the latest states to pass legislative measures aimed at punishing boycotts for Palestinian freedom.

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Statement on Kenneth Marcus's resignation from Dept. of Ed. following complaint

Palestine Legal staff attorney Zoha Khalili issued the following statement on the resignation of Kenneth Marcus from the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights.

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Florida Politicians Launch Witch-Hunt Against Palestinian FSU Student Senate President

Florida Politicians Launch Witch-Hunt Against Palestinian FSU Student Senate President

Florida state politicians are trying to force the removal of the first Palestinian-Muslim student government president at Florida State University (FSU) for social media posts against the Israeli occupation.

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Spotlight on Black Liberation: National Bail Out Challenges the Racist Bail System

Spotlight on Black Liberation: National Bail Out Challenges the Racist Bail System

Palestine Legal aims to raise $5,000 to support the work of National Bail Out. Read more about their work and the racist bail system in the U.S.

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Annexation Day of Rage: U.S. Protests & Legal Resources

Annexation Day of Rage: U.S. Protests & Legal Resources

Palestine Legal joins widespread international condemnation of Israel’s annexation attempts in the West Bank and highlights legal resources for protesters participating in Wednesday’s Day of Rage against annexation in the U.S.

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