Arizona’s amended anti-boycott law still constitutionally flawed

Arizona’s amended anti-boycott law still constitutionally flawed

Months after a federal court blocked Arizona from enforcing its anti-boycott law saying it was unconstitutional, the state has attempted to revive the law by amending it so that it no longer applies to the man who challenged it. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed SB 1167 amending the state’s 2016 anti-boycott law prohibiting state contractors from supporting boycotts of Israel. This was despite significant opposition to the amendment in the Arizona House, where it passed 37-21 with vigorous debate.

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Rights Groups Urge Court to Overturn Decision on Arkansas Anti-Boycott Law

Rights Groups Urge Court to Overturn Decision on Arkansas Anti-Boycott Law

The Center for Constitutional Rights, Palestine Legal, and the Law Office of Matthew Strugar filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals in support of a lawsuit seeking to strike down an Arkansas law that requires government contractors to pledge not to boycott Israel. The lawsuit and the amicus brief in support of it argue that the law violates the First Amendment. The filing situates the Arkansas law as part of a broader effort to suppress speech in support of Palestinian human rights.

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Zoha Khalili in Al Jazeera English

Zoha Khalili in Al Jazeera English

Staff attorney Zoha Khalili comments on Omar Barghouti’s denial of entry into the US for Al Jazeera English:

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Success: Harvard apologizes for charging security fees for Black-Palestinian solidarity event

Success: Harvard apologizes for charging security fees for Black-Palestinian solidarity event

Harvard College reversed a discriminatory, eleventh hour decision to charge a student group $300 in security fees for an event on Black-Palestinian solidarity featuring Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, Dr. Cornell West and Palestine Legal’s Dima Khalidi, which took place on the evening of Tuesday, April 2. A university official had informed a member of Harvard’s Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC) at 5pm the day before the event that the fees were being charged due to concerns that the event was “controversial.”

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1948 Movie Overcomes West Hollywood Censorship Campaign

1948 Movie Overcomes West Hollywood Censorship Campaign

After a months-long smear campaign, the West Hollywood City Council voted 3-2 on Monday to move forward with the April 16th screening of the historical documentary 1948: Creation and Catastrophe.

The city of West Hollywood initially planned to screen the film on November 16, 2018, as part of its Human Rights Speakers Series. The film documents the founding of Israel and the forced expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians from their homes through first-hand accounts from both Israelis and Palestinians. Pro-Israel groups called for censorship over concern that historical facts paint Israel in a bad light. The screening was first postponed to December 12, 2018 and then April 16, 2019.

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Airbnb lawsuit exposes attacks on free speech and Palestinian human rights

Airbnb lawsuit exposes attacks on free speech and Palestinian human rights

Last November, Airbnb decided to delist some rentals located in illegal settlements in the West Bank, acknowledging that the rental of properties in Israeli settlements enables violations of Palestinian rights. Airbnb’s decision to comply with international law sparked immediate and wide-ranging backlash, including a lawsuit by Israeli settlers and blacklisting by several states around the country. This backlash has created both opportunities and challenges for everyday Americans and those who support Palestinian human rights.

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Palestine Legal featured in NYT Magazine

Palestine Legal featured in NYT Magazine

The New York Times Magazine published a lengthy article on the Palestine solidarity movement and its impact on national politics. Palestine Legal was featured in the context of backlash against rights activists and anti-BDS legislation.

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