Prominent Jewish Studies Scholars Ask Court to Dismiss Case Against SFSU and Prof. Abdulhadi

Prominent Jewish Studies Scholars Ask Court to Dismiss Case Against SFSU and Prof. Abdulhadi

Drawing on their expertise in Jewish history, the professors seek to educate the court about an erroneous definition of antisemitism at the heart of the lawsuit.

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Kenneth Marcus, Anti-Palestinian Crusader, Confirmed to Head Civil Rights Office under DeVos at U.S. Dept. of Education

Kenneth Marcus, Anti-Palestinian Crusader, Confirmed to Head Civil Rights Office under DeVos at U.S. Dept. of Education

Today, right-wing anti-Palestinian crusader Kenneth Marcus was confirmed as Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights in Betsy DeVos’ Department of Education on a narrow, party-line vote.

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Update on Legislative Efforts to Censor Palestine Advocacy in the U.S.

Update on Legislative Efforts to Censor Palestine Advocacy in the U.S.

The fact that 25 states now have legislation targeting advocacy for Palestinian rights indicates the level to which private anti-Palestinian forces are influencing our public institutions to intimidate and punish advocacy for Palestinian rights.

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Hotel Pressured to Cancel, Call Cops on Mental Health in Palestine Event

Hotel Pressured to Cancel, Call Cops on Mental Health in Palestine Event

On May 14, the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City asked members of the USA-Palestine Mental Health Network, a group that educates clinicians on the impact of Israeli human rights abuses on the mental health of Palestinians, to move a symposium on mental health issues in Palestine.

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Lawmakers Reintroduce Federal Bill Aimed at Censoring Palestine Advocacy on Campuses

Lawmakers Reintroduce Federal Bill Aimed at Censoring Palestine Advocacy on Campuses

Yesterday, members of Congress announced the reintroduction of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act (ASAA), a bill aimed at censoring Palestine advocacy on college campuses by imposing on the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) a widely-criticized and overbroad re-definition of antisemitism that classifies virtually all speech critical of Israel as antisemitic.

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Palestine Legal Calls on Congress to Reject Israel-Aligned Groups’ Interference with Academic Freedom

Palestine Legal Calls on Congress to Reject Israel-Aligned Groups’ Interference with Academic Freedom

For years, rightwing Israel advocacy groups like the Amcha Initiative and the Brandeis Center have attacked Middle East studies programs across the country, using flawed research to mischaracterize them as “biased,” “anti-American,” and “anti-Israel.”

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Rahul Saksena in In These Times

Rahul Saksena in In These Times

“As Gazans risked their lives to protest, what we saw across Israel and the West Bank was an ongoing Nakba.”

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