Radhika Sainath in Jacobin

Radhika Sainath in Jacobin

"Boycotts have long played an important role in American political action, and the Supreme Court has held that the First Amendment protects political boycotts." 

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Year-In-Review: Palestine Legal Responded to 308 Suppression Incidents in 2017, Nearly 1000 in Last 4 Years

Year-In-Review: Palestine Legal Responded to 308 Suppression Incidents in 2017, Nearly 1000 in Last 4 Years

As Israel intensifies tactics to suppress dissent, censorship in U.S. increases

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New Orleans City Council Rescinds Human Rights Resolution to Shield Israel From Accountability

New Orleans City Council Rescinds Human Rights Resolution to Shield Israel From Accountability

On Thursday, the New Orleans City Council rescinded a human rights resolution, bowing to pressure from the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans.

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Senate HELP Committee Approves Nomination of Anti-Palestinian Crusader Kenneth Marcus

Senate HELP Committee Approves Nomination of Anti-Palestinian Crusader Kenneth Marcus

On Thursday, the US Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions committee approved the nomination of Kenneth L. Marcus to head the Office for Civil Rights in the US Department of Education.

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Dima Khalidi in The Nation

Dima Khalidi in The Nation

"Kenneth Marcus has a history of opposing affirmative action and attacking the First Amendment rights of Israel critics."

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Statement on Israel's Blacklist

Statement on Israel's Blacklist

Israel’s latest action should trouble all who value democracy, including our constitutional rights here in the U.S.

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Dima Khalidi and Ahmad Awad Interview with Democracy Now!

Dima Khalidi and Ahmad Awad Interview with Democracy Now!

Director Dima Khalidi and lead petitioner in the Fordham lawsuit Ahmad Awad were interviewed by Democracy Now! on January 4, 2018. 

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