NYPD Ejects Members of NYU SJP from Washington Square Park for Leafleting

NYPD Ejects Members of NYU SJP from Washington Square Park for Leafleting

In a stunning violation of First Amendment rights to leaflet in a public space, New York Police Department (NYPD) officers ordered two members of New York University Students for Justice in Palestine (NYU SJP) to leave Washington Square Park on Tuesday because they claimed the leafleting was causing attendees of an Israeli Independence Day “rave” anxiety.

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Cal State Long Beach Ignores Death Threats Against Muslim Students, Condemns BDS

Cal State Long Beach Ignores Death Threats Against Muslim Students, Condemns BDS

In an attempt to stop a student divestment initiative, the President of Cal State Long Beach (CSULB) wrote student senators last week blaming the tactic of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) for the rise in white supremacist vandalism. Meanwhile, the administration took no action in response to graffiti threatening to “kill all Muslims on Friday.”

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Palestine Legal and CCR Sue Fordham Over SJP Ban

Palestine Legal and CCR Sue Fordham Over SJP Ban

April 26, 2017, New York, NY – Today, students at Fordham University filed a lawsuit against the school over its refusal to grant club status to Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). Represented by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), cooperating counsel Alan Levine, and Palestine Legal, the students argued that the denial is “viewpoint discrimination” in violation of Fordham’s policies regarding free expression.

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San Diego State Student Government Invites Free Speech Violations

San Diego State Student Government Invites Free Speech Violations

Palestine Legal and Jewish Voice for Peace wrote yesterday to San Diego State University (SDSU) warning against free speech violations after the student government passed a resolution that brands Palestinian rights activists as antisemitic.

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Radhika Sainath's Op-Ed in Jacobin

Radhika Sainath's Op-Ed in Jacobin

The most successful recent attacks on free speech have come from Zionist organizations seeking to suppress any criticism of Israel.

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Rahul Saksena's Op-Ed in the Times Union

Rahul Saksena's Op-Ed in the Times Union

As opponents of the Trump agenda take to the streets in record numbers, it is crucial for state and local lawmakers to stand firm in support of the right to dissent.

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Court Dismisses Major Claims Against American Studies Association

Court Dismisses Major Claims Against American Studies Association

On Friday, in a partial victory for the American Studies Association (ASA), a district court in Washington D.C. dismissed plaintiffs’ ultra vires claim that the ASA operated beyond its corporate charter by passing an academic boycott resolution in 2013.

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