Victory! Anti-BDS Bill Defeated in Maryland (Updated)

Victory! Anti-BDS Bill Defeated in Maryland (Updated)

Today, Palestine Legal issued a memorandum to Texas lawmakers urging them to oppos HB 89 and SB 134, anti-boycott bills being considered in the Texas House and Senate. 

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Fordham Retaliates Against Student for Protesting SJP Ban

Fordham Retaliates Against Student for Protesting SJP Ban

Fordham University has issued a disciplinary charge against a student trying to start a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) group on campus, demanding a closed-door hearing with the dean who denied the group club status. The student, senior Sapphira Lurie, was charged with violating the school’s “Demonstration Policy” for organizing a January 23rd rally protesting Fordham’s decision to ban SJP from the school. Her hearing is scheduled for February 22nd.

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Rahul Saksena's Op-ed in The Hill

Rahul Saksena's Op-ed in The Hill

President Trump and his team have taken hard-right positions – and now executive action – on issue after issue, and a cross-movement resistance is emerging.

Activists are rising up against the Muslim ban, anti-black and anti-immigrant policies, attacks on women’s rights and trans rights, the Dakota Access and Keystone pipelines, efforts to privatize education and deregulate Wall Street, climate change denial, and more. 

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NYU Students for Justice in Palestine Threatened

NYU Students for Justice in Palestine Threatened

On January 31, less than a week after President Trump issued an executive order known as the “Muslim ban,” Students for Justice in Palestine at NYU (NYU SJP) received a threatening email targeting its Arab and Muslim members, members of Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ solidarity groups, and immigrants.

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Resist the Ban. Be Informed. Know Your Rights.

Resist the Ban. Be Informed. Know Your Rights.

Palestine Legal stands in staunch opposition to the Muslim ban, and all attempts to undermine basic rights and freedoms. As the executive order banning immigrants and asylum seekers from seven Muslim-majority countries is constitutionally challenged, we are here to help targeted communities and their allies find the right resources and legal assistance. 

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Victory! Unconstitutional bill defeated in Virginia

Victory! Unconstitutional bill defeated in Virginia

On Friday, Palestine Legal, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and Bill of Rights Defense Committee/Defending Dissent Foundation sent a memo to Virginia state lawmakers demanding that they oppose HB 2261, an unconstitutional bill aimed at suppressing Palestinian human rights advocacy.

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2016 Year-in-Review: Suppression of Palestine Advocacy

2016 Year-in-Review: Suppression of Palestine Advocacy

When Fordham University banned a chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) in December 2016, student Ahmad Awad, explained the impact on his education:

“My own university told me I can’t share my culture and history like other students because I’m Palestinian who believes in Palestinian freedom.” After delaying the students’ application for over a year, Fordham rejected the group, arguing SJP is too “polarizing” to tolerate on campus.

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