UC Berkeley Censors Course on Palestine and Settler Colonialism

UC Berkeley Censors Course on Palestine and Settler Colonialism

UC Berkeley’s move to suspend a student-led course entitled “Palestine: A Settler Colonial Analysis” is a flagrant violation of academic freedom. The suspension raises serious concern that the university places the interests of outside political groups above its duty to provide equal educational opportunity to all students.

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Statement on Passage of NYC Council Resolution

Statement on Passage of NYC Council Resolution

The New York City Council’s decision to target supporters of Palestinian freedom for condemnation by passing Resolution 1058-A makes a mockery of our First Amendment rights. The Supreme Court has long recognized boycotts for social, political and economic change as First Amendment-protected activity. This includes boycott campaigns for Palestinian human rights. 

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Press Release: Independent investigation clears CUNY Students for Justice in Palestine

Press Release: Independent investigation clears CUNY Students for Justice in Palestine

After a six-month investigation, an independent task force concluded that alleged instances of anti-Semitism on CUNY's campuses were not attributable to Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). The 24-page report emphasized that student conduct supporting Palestinian rights such as die-ins, mock checkpoints and banners is constitutionally-protected speech. 

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Don't miss: Fall events featuring Palestine Legal

Don't miss: Fall events featuring Palestine Legal

This fall we will be speaking about the suppression of Palestine advocacy in the U.S. See our list of events below and be sure to check back for updates. We look forward to seeing you! 

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Radhika Sainath testifies before New York City Council

Radhika Sainath testifies before New York City Council

Palestine Legal staff attorney Radhika Sainath testifies on behalf of Palestine Legal before the New York City Council's Committee on anti-BDS resolution No. 1058-A. Read the full testimony here. 

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Setting the Facts Straight Re UCLA GSA President

Setting the Facts Straight Re UCLA GSA President

After conducting a lengthy investigation, including extensive review of documentation and over 14 witness interviews, the university concluded that the factual record is clear: Chatterjee mishandled the distribution of student activity fees and discriminated against pro-Palestinian viewpoints. 

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SFSU Concludes Protest Targeted Israeli Policies, Not Jewish Students

SFSU Concludes Protest Targeted Israeli Policies, Not Jewish Students

After interviewing 20 witnesses and reviewing extensive documentation, the impartial investigator released a detailed report concluding that the protest was disruptive, but that it posed no safety risks and focused on the mayor for the policies he promotes.  

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