UC students smeared as anti-Semitic

UC students smeared as anti-Semitic

Concerns about the influence of the pro-Israel lobby on the University of California (UC) campuses have triggered another round of false accusations claiming that campus Palestine activists are engaged in “harassment” and “anti-Semitism.” Such accusations of anti-Semitism are the default for Israel supporters who aim to shield Israel from growing discontent with its ruthless and racist policies against Palestinians.

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SFSU Ethnic Studies Dean Condemns AMCHA Attacks

SFSU Ethnic Studies Dean Condemns AMCHA Attacks

PSLS commends San Francisco State University (SFSU) Dean Ken Monteiro for his strong statement standing up to smear campaigns intended to silence advocacy for Palestinian rights on campus. SFSU has been under intense pressure from the right-wing Israeli advocacy group the AMCHA initiative, which has called for the University to investigate and censor Professor Rabab Abdulhadi’s scholarship on Palestine.

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NY Anti-Boycott Bill Fails to Pass

NY Anti-Boycott Bill Fails to Pass

On Friday, June 20, 2014 the NY State Legislature closed its doors for this session. For the past few months we have been waiting to see if Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver would take any action to move the bill he introduced that was aimed at silencing those on campus critical of the Israeli occupation of Palestine and most especially campus organizations that have taken up the academic boycott of Israel. 

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PSLS Newsletter!

PSLS Newsletter!

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PSLS Warns LA Council against Unconstitutional Resolution

PSLS Warns LA Council against Unconstitutional Resolution

In June 2014, a coalition of civil rights organizations including Palestine Solidarity Legal Support (PSLS) and the ACLU of Southern California wrote to the L.A. City Council warning them against a resolution condemning the speech and advocacy of SJP at UCLA. 

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SFSU President Defends Professor Abdulhadi

SFSU President Defends Professor Abdulhadi

The AMCHA Initiative’s latest round of accusations targeting scholarship on Palestine has once again proven to be based on false charges. AMCHA publicly accused Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi of misrepresenting the nature and purpose of her January 2014 trip to Palestine and Jordan. SFSU reviewed the facts and concluded that the allegations “have no merit.”

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ADC Scandal Raises Concerns for PSLS

ADC Scandal Raises Concerns for PSLS

On Friday, June 13, PSLS Staff Attorney Radhika Sainath will present with three student activists on a panel entitled Activism on College Campuses: How to Build the Movement In A Climate of Repression? The panel will focus on how activists are targeted for their Palestinian human rights advocacy, and best practices in campus organizing.

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