Podcast: University of California's Direct Role in Disparaging Pro-Palestinian Speech

Listen here to CCR Cooperating Counsel Liz Jackson interview with Electronic Intifada explaining efforts to repress Palestinian human rights advocacy on campus.

Center for Constitutional Rights and Civil Rights Orgs to University of California President: Pro-Palestinian Speech Must Be Protected

The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and other civil rights groups submitted a letter to University of California (UC) President Mark Yudof, pressing him to consider the chilling effect of efforts to target Arab, Muslim and other students advocating for Palestinian rights on UC campuses.  Read more here. The letter urges the UC President to take affirmative steps to protect pro-Palestinian speech on campus. Students who advocate for Palestinian rights must be respected as equal members of the university community, and their viewpoints recognized as valuable contributions to an issue of great public concern.  The letter also urges the President to renounce efforts to taint all student activism on Palestine as anti-Semitic, and to correct the mischaracterizations of these students' nonviolent and anti-racist advocacy.  CCR and the other signatories will continue to monitor attempts to intimidate Palestinian rights activists on college campuses, and to advocate on their behalf.


Student Groups Send Letter to US Commission on Civil Rights Regarding Rights of Arab and Muslim Students

Dozens of California student groups submit a letter to the US Commission on Civil Rights regarding the risks to Arab and Muslim students' civil rights. Read more here. The comments highlighted the chilling effects of the University of California "Campus Climate reports" that branded advocacy for Palestinian rights as anti-Semitic, and the abuse of Title VI as a tool to suppress Palestinian human rights advocacy on campus.