Media Roundup: NYU student punished for writing on discarded Israeli mail bag

Media Roundup: NYU student punished for writing on discarded Israeli mail bag

Our staff attorney, Dylan Saba, spoke to the Electronic Intifada, and New York University’s (NYU) independent student newspaper Washington Square News, about our client who is a graduate student worker at NYU put under investigation by the administration for the alleged “vandalism” of an Israeli mail services bag discarded in a recycling bin.

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Media Roundup: Palestine Legal on Dept of Ed decision to not implement distorted IHRA definition

Media Roundup: Palestine Legal on Dept of Ed decision to not implement distorted IHRA definition

Our advocacy manager, Lina Assi, spoke to the Electronic Intifada and Mondoweiss about an important victory: the Department of Education’s exclusion of the distorted IHRA definition in its guidance on addressing antisemitism and other discrimination in US schools – despite heavy pressure from Israel lobby groups that use IHRA as a censorship tool.

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Danya Zituni's Op-Ed on IHRA & Expanding Police Surveillance

Danya Zituni's Op-Ed on IHRA & Expanding Police Surveillance

Communications Manager Danya Zituni published an op-ed in Truthout, on an alarming new trend of multiple U.S. cities and counties voting to adopt the distorted definition of antisemitism used by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). In the Op-Ed, Danya argues that the IHRA definition is also dangerously being used to expand the scope and power of police surveillance, and provides quotes from organizers challenging IHRA on the ground from Stop LAPD Spying and Palestinian Youth Movement.

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Media Roundup: Palestine Legal on pro-Palestine Berkeley Law students’ speech rights

Media Roundup: Palestine Legal on pro-Palestine Berkeley Law students’  speech rights

Here is a media roundup on Palestine Legal’s support for Berkeley law students in defense of their free speech rights. Law students at the University of California at Berkeley continue to face threats and attacks because of their commitment not to host speakers who support Israeli apartheid.

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Dima Khalidi on Al Jazeera: The Cost of Speaking Out For Palestinian Rights

Dima Khalidi on Al Jazeera: The Cost of Speaking Out For Palestinian Rights

Palestine Legal director Dima Khalidi appeared on Marc Lamont Hill’s Al Jazeera show UpFront to discuss the ways false accusations of antisemitism are being used to silence support for Palestinian rights.

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Media Roundup: George Washington University’s Anti-Palestinian Discrimination

Media Roundup: George Washington University’s Anti-Palestinian Discrimination

Here is a media roundup on Palestine Legal’s civil rights complaint against George Washington University and student protests against GW’s discriminatory treatment against Palestinians. Our complaint challenges GW's selective and discriminatory cancelation of trauma support services for Palestinian students.

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The Right to Boycott Israel: Yours, Mine and Ben & Jerry’s

The Right to Boycott Israel: Yours, Mine and Ben & Jerry’s

Following Ben & Jerry's announcement, Israeli government officials and their allies in the U.S. threatened to invoke some 30 state laws that target boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns for Palestinian freedom. Here’s what you need to know about your right to boycott.

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