Liz Jackson in Jewish Currents on Lawfare Attacks

Liz Jackson in Jewish Currents on Lawfare Attacks

Senior staff attorney Liz Jackson appears in an extensive Jewish Currents profile on lawfare efforts to silence campus Palestine advocacy.

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Meera Shah in the Chronicle of Higher Education on Kenneth Marcus

Meera Shah in the Chronicle of Higher Education on Kenneth Marcus

Senior staff attorney Meera Shah was quoted in the Chronicle of Higher Education on the impacts of Trump’s antisemitism executive order.

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Liz Jackson's Op-Ed in the Brown Daily Herald on Brown Divestment

Liz Jackson's Op-Ed in the Brown Daily Herald on Brown Divestment

Last December, the Advisory Committee on Corporate Responsibility at Brown voted to divest from companies complicit in violations of Palestinian human rights. This followed a student referendum that from Brown University Divest passed by an overwhelming margin in March. The university's president refuses to honor these calls. Senior staff attorney Liz Jackson published an op-ed in the Brown Daily Herald telling her alma mater that it must divest from Israel's abuse of Palestinian human rights:

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Media Roundup: Trump's Executive Order

Media Roundup: Trump's Executive Order

In the aftermath of the order, Palestine Legal’s voice and expertise were lifted up throughout the media, including in The Guardian, Haaretz, Newsweek, and Politico. Here’s a roundup of news pieces featuring Palestine Legal.

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Dima Khalidi's Letter in the LA Times on Trump's Executive Order

Dima Khalidi's Letter in the LA Times on Trump's Executive Order

Director Dima Khalidi published a letter to the editor in Sunday’s Los Angeles Times on Trump’s executive order redefining antisemitism to attack criticism of Israel.

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Liz Jackson in The Guardian

Liz Jackson in The Guardian

Liz Jackson is featured in a Guardian exposé on the collaboration between ALEC—a notoriously racist organization that pushes model legislation around the country—and pro-Israel actors to redefine antisemitism in state legislatures. These redefinition bills are a means of targeting campus advocacy for Palestinian rights.

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Zoha Khalili on Al Jazeera - The Stream

Zoha Khalili on Al Jazeera - The Stream

Staff attorney Zoha Khalili spoke on today's episode of Al Jazeera - The Stream about US government attacks on Middle East Studies at Duke and UNC following a March conference on Gaza.

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