Dima Khalidi Video Segment on Al Jazeera

Dima Khalidi Video Segment on Al Jazeera

On this episode of The Stream Dima debated two attorneys involved in pushing anti-BDS legislation.

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+972 Magazine Interview with Dima Khalidi

+972 Magazine Interview with Dima Khalidi

“Palestine is still a lightning rod." 

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Rahul Saksena in In These Times

Rahul Saksena in In These Times

Biss’ decision is the latest sign that, even among self-described progressive politicians, support for Palestinian rights remains taboo.

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Liz Jackson on KPOO's Arab Talk

This segment features staff attorney Liz Jackson speaking about Palestine Legal's recent cases. It was aired on KPOO's Arab Talk on June 15, 2017. Listen below. 

Legal Attacks On Palestine Solidarity Work

Arab Talk Co-Host Jess Ghannam interviews Liz Jackson, attorney for Palestine Legal (www.palestinelegal.org) about recent legal attacks on Palestine Solidarity Groups across the US.

Media Spotlight: Lawsuit Against Fordham University

Media Spotlight: Lawsuit Against Fordham University

The lawsuit has national significance, as suppression of campus activism for Palestinian rights is widespread. We collected some highlights of the media coverage. 

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Radhika Sainath's Op-Ed in Jacobin

Radhika Sainath's Op-Ed in Jacobin

The most successful recent attacks on free speech have come from Zionist organizations seeking to suppress any criticism of Israel.

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Rahul Saksena's Op-Ed in the Times Union

Rahul Saksena's Op-Ed in the Times Union

As opponents of the Trump agenda take to the streets in record numbers, it is crucial for state and local lawmakers to stand firm in support of the right to dissent.

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